Here is the CMT Uptime check phrase


image of a male and female silhouette in balance
Hungarian Parliament Building
Costa Rica
André Blais, Université de Montréal; Eric Guntermann, Université de Montréal/UC Berkeley; and Marc André Bodet, Université Laval

CSES Announcement: The Full Release of CSES Module 3 is now available for download. The CSES Module 3 Full Release contains 80,163 respondents from 50 election studies. All election studies from CSES Module 3 now appear in the file. An erratum is available that discusses other changes as of this release.

Note: The following announcement was sent to the CSES email list. To receive notices like this one by email, please join the CSES email list using our convenient web form. Or, send an email to [email protected] and let us know you would like to join. CSES Announcement:...

In the Other Comparative Projects section, added links to the Electoral Integrity Project, Project on International Election Monitoring, and Varieties of Democracy (V-Dem), and updated the link for the Global Barometer Surveys website.

In the Other Comparative Projects section, added links to the Electoral Integrity Project, Project on International Election Monitoring, and Varieties of Democracy (V-Dem), and updated the link for the Global Barometer Surveys website. Other Comparative Projects...


By Year