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CSES Announcement: CSES reception at APSA is cancelled

August 27, 2012

Dear CSES User Community,

In light of Hurricane Isaac and the extreme weather which is likely to accompany it, we have made the decision to cancel the reception at APSA in New Orleans for the 2012 GESIS Klingemann Prize for the Best CSES Scholarship. The reception was originally to have been held at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association (APSA) on Thursday August 30th, 2012 at 7:30pm in the Sheraton in New Orleans.

We would like to again congratulate Russell J. Dalton, David M. Farrell and Ian McAllister for their winning work, the book “Political Parties and Democratic Linkage. How Parties Organize Democracy,” published by Oxford University Press in 2011.

We apologize for this inconvenience, and hope to see you at another CSES event sometime soon.

Best wishes,
David Howell
Director of Studies, CSES