CSES Module 5: 2016-2021
The theme of CSES Module 5 is titled “Democracy Divided? People, Politicians and the Politics of Populism.” Its core objective is to examine citizens’ attitudes towards political elites, majority rule, and out-groups in representative democracy. The module will allow researchers to account for variation in the contestation of political elites and ‘populist’ attitudes across democracies, to examine how such perceptions shape citizens electoral behavior (e.g. turnout, vote for populist parties, political apathy etc.), and to explore the relationship between the rise of populist parties and the distribution of populist attitudes cross-nationally.
Source Documents
These documents were used by collaborators for collecting the data:
Module 5 Questionnaire [TXT file]
Module 5 Macro Report [PDF file]
Module 5 Macro Report [DOCX file]
Module 5 Design Report [PDF file]
Module 5 Design Report [DOCX file]
Module 5 Booklet [PDF file]
Module 5 Booklet [DOCX file]
CSES Module 5 Full Release
July 25, 2023 version
You can choose below among various file formats to download the dataset to your own computer for analysis.
Errata – list of updates and error corrections
Funding Sources and How to Cite the Study
DOI:10.7804/csesmodule5.2023-07-25 (What is this?)
Analyze on your own computer
First, create a local directory to download the files into. We recommend:
Second, download the codebook:
Third, download one or more of the following six files, depending on which statistical package(s) you intend to use with the data, and how:
cses5_csv.zip – CSV file (.csv)
cses5_r.zip – R dataset (.rdata)
cses5_sas.zip – SAS dataset (.sas7bdat)
cses5_spss.zip – SPSS dataset (.sav)
cses5_stata.zip – STATA dataset (.dta)
cses5_syntax.zip – Raw data and syntax for SAS, SPSS and STATA