=========================================================================== COMPARATIVE STUDY OF ELECTORAL SYSTEMS (CSES) www.cses.org MODULE 5 (2016-2021) QUESTIONNAIRE - September 14, 2016 - =========================================================================== COLLABORATOR INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE ADMINISTRATION OF THE CSES QUESTIONNAIRE: ( 1) Following these collaborator instructions, this document is comprised of three sections: ))) CSES MODULE 5 QUESTIONNAIRE: ADMINISTRATIVE VARIABLES The "Administrative Variables" section is a list of common administrative variables that, if possible, should be provided at the time data are deposited with the CSES Secretariat. ))) CSES MODULE 5 QUESTIONNAIRE: CSES MODULE This is the CSES Module itself, a common module of survey questions for researchers to include in their national post-election survey. The CSES Module is intended to be administered exactly as it is specified in this document. ))) CSES MODULE 5 QUESTIONNAIRE: DEMOGRAPHIC VARIABLES Collaborators are asked to provide data on background (demographic) characteristics of respondents, coded to an agreed upon set of standards as indicated in this section. There is great international variation in the ways that collaborators will go about soliciting information on the background characteristics of their respondents. The objective here is not standardization of the way collaborators ask these background questions, but instead, standardization to a common, cross-national scheme for coding each variable. ( 2) The CSES Module (consisting of the questions which are named beginning with the letter "Q") is intended to be administered in its entirety as a single, uninterrupted block of questions, unless noted otherwise for particular questions. In most cases, the CSES Module is included as part of a larger study. For reliable comparisons to be made, it is important that any additional items investigators may wish to include do not interrupt the CSES Module. ( 3) The CSES module should be administered as a post-election interview. ( 4) Where the CSES module is included in a larger study, to ensure that question-ordering effects are minimized, collaborators should be sensitive to the effects questions asked immediately prior to the module may have. ( 5) NOTES often precede the question TEXT, and provide instructions for the administration of the item. Where no question TEXT is provided, collaborators should provide documentation of the question used. ( 6) Showcards may be helpful for the administration of some questions. For this reason, a Respondent Booklet is available for download from the CSES website. The Respondent Booklet contains showcards for select questions. It is indicated in the NOTES when a showcard is available for a question. ( 7) The response options that should be read to the respondent are contained in the body of the question TEXT. ( 8) Where lower-case words appear in brackets [ ] collaborators should select the words that are most appropriate. For example: [party/presidential candidate] ...indicates that either the word "party" or the phrase "presidential candidate" should be read, but not both. ( 9) Where upper-case words appear in brackets [ ] collaborators should substitute the words that are most appropriate. For example: [COUNTRY] ...should be replaced with the name of the country where the election was held (perhaps "Canada" or "the Philippines"). Another example: [NUMBER OF YEARS BETWEEN THE PREVIOUS AND THE PRESENT ELECTION OR CHANGE IN GOVERNMENT] ...should be replaced with a number that indicates the amount of years that have passed between the previous election and either the current election or recent change in government. (10) Phrases that appear in parentheses ( ) contain words that are optional - that collaborators (or their interviewers) can decide to read or not read to respondents as needed. (11) Words in question text that are in upper-case but NOT within brackets [ ] should be emphasized by the interviewer when reading the question text. For example, the word "COUNTRY" would be emphasized in the following question when the interviewer reads the question to the respondent: What COUNTRY do you live in? But in this next example, the interviewer does not emphasize the word "[COUNTRY]". Instead, this is an instruction for the collaborator to substitute the name of the respondent's country into the question text (for more information, see the eighth Collaborator Instruction above): How long have you lived in [COUNTRY]? (12) Interviewer instructions are available for some questions. These interviewer instructions, labeled as HELP, are intended to provide advice to the interviewers to assist in administering the question. It is also useful to discuss the interviewer instructions as part of interviewer training. The interviewer instructions, where available, appear after the question TEXT. In interviewer-administered surveys, interviewer instructions should be available to the interviewer, but not to the respondent. For example, in a computer-assisted interview, the interviewer instructions might appear on the screen in a special color, and interviewers trained to make use of those instructions as necessary, but the interviewer should NOT read the interviewer instructions to the respondent. (13) Some response options are followed by an arrow (->) and a skip pattern instruction. If the respondent selects that response option, the skip pattern instruction after the arrow is to be executed. (14) Respondents who volunteer the response "DON'T KNOW" (or who have REFUSED to answer a question) should be coded as such. Interviewers should accept these responses and should NOT probe for additional information or force a respondent to use one of the response options provided in the text of the question. (15) Special care should be taken in the administration of the Vote Choice items (Q12 and Q13 question series). Wording for the Q12 and Q13 question series, which is to record vote choice in the elections, should follow national standards. Collaborators are invited to compare their own national instrument with other instruments of countries that are part of the CSES and look for convergence where this is possible. For Q13 (previous election), ask about the previous national election of the same type (whether legislative or presidential). For countries where more than one institution is being currently elected on the same day (e.g., president and legislature), please consider asking about the previous lower house election if votes have been recorded for the current lower house election. For Q12 (current election), for countries where more than one institution is elected on the same day (e.g., president and legislature) using different votes, please ensure that all votes are supplied. Consider including all national elections having been held within three months before the study's data collection period. Please ensure all vote choices are supplied as separate variables in the dataset that you deposit. For countries where voters have two votes for the same institution (e.g. parallel and mixed member proportional systems; double ballot systems), please ensure that both/all votes are supplied. For countries using preferential systems (e.g., STV, AV) please provide first and second preference vote. (16) For questions asking about parties, collaborators should be advised that they may add one or several party blocs to a list of individual parties if they feel that it will be difficult for respondents to recognize individual parties. (17) Collaborators in the Comparative Study of Electoral Systems shall adhere to the following standards of data quality: a. Mode of interviewing: Interviews should be conducted face-to-face, unless local circumstances dictate that telephone, Internet, or mail surveys will produce higher quality data. Mixed-mode surveys are acceptable to increase response rates and/or compensate for undercoverage associated with particular survey modes. In cases of mode variation as well as in cases of within-mode variation (e.g. adaption of Internet surveys to multiple devices) presentation of questionnaires to respondents should be as similar as possible. All variation within surveys shall be documented in detail, and technical information on survey mode and, where appropriate, device used shall be identified in the data set for each respondent. National studies should seek to keep mode changes to a minimum to maximize comparability of their data sets across modules. b. Timing of interviewing: We strongly recommend that collaborators in the Comparative Study of Electoral Systems conduct their interviews in the weeks following their national election. Interviewing should not start later than six months after the election. Out of concern for data quality, data collection should be completed in as timely a fashion as possible. In the event of a runoff election, interviewing shall be conducted after the first round election. The date of interview shall be provided for each respondent. c. Placement of module in post-election questionnaire: The questionnaire module should be asked as a single, uninterrupted block of questions. We leave it to each collaborator to select an appropriate location for the module in their national survey instrument. Collaborators should take steps to ensure that questions asked immediately prior to the questionnaire module do not contaminate the initial questions in the module. Collaborators are also free to select an appropriate place in their survey instrument to ask the turnout, vote choice, and demographic questions. d. Population to be sampled: National samples should be drawn from all age-eligible citizens. No sampling frames with systematic undercoverage of significant population groups (such as citizens without access to the Internet) are acceptable. When non-citizens (or other non-eligible respondents) are included in the sample, a variable should be provided to permit the identification of those non-eligible respondents. When a collaborator samples from those persons who appear on voter registration lists, the collaborator should quantify the estimated degree of discrepancy between this population and the population of all age-eligible citizens. Studies based on panels or access panels are acceptable if dictated by local circumstances. In such cases the collaborator should seek to minimize the time lag between initial sampling and the CSES survey and quantify the estimated degree of discrepancy to the population of all age-eligible citizens and provide weights. Details about initial sampling must be documented. e. Sampling procedures: We strongly encourage the use of random samples, with random sampling procedures used at all stages of the sampling process. Collaborators should provide detailed documentation of their sampling practices for all stages. f. Sample Size: We strongly recommend that no fewer than 1,500 age-eligible respondents be interviewed, and under no circumstances should fewer than 1,000 age-eligible respondents be interviewed. g. Interviewer training: Collaborators should pre-test their survey instrument and should train interviewers in the administration of the questionnaire. The Planning Committee will provide each collaborator with documentation that clarifies the purposes and objectives of each item and with rules with respect to probing "don't know" responses. h. Field practices: Collaborators should make every effort to ensure a high response rate. Investigators should be diligent in their effort to reach respondents not interviewed on the initial contact with the household and should be diligent in their effort to convert respondents who initially refuse to participate in the study. Data on the number of contact attempts, the number of contacts with sample persons, and special persuasion or conversion efforts undertaken should be coded for each respondent. i. Strategies for translation (and back-translation): Each collaborator should translate the questionnaire module into their native language(s). To ensure the equivalence of the translation, collaborators shall perform an independent re-translation of the questionnaire back into English. Collaborators engaged in translation of the questionnaire module into the same language (e.g., Spanish, French, English, German, and Portuguese) should collaborate on the translation. =========================================================================== ))) CSES MODULE 5 QUESTIONNAIRE: ADMINISTRATIVE VARIABLES =========================================================================== NOTES: The "Administrative Variables" section is a list of common administrative variables that, if possible, should be provided at the time data are deposited with the CSES Secretariat. All items in this section begin with the letter "A". --------------------------------------------------------------------------- A1. >>> ID COMPONENT - RESPONDENT WITHIN ELECTION STUDY --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES: This item should provide a unique, numeric identification code for each respondent in the study. .................................................................. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- A2. >>> INTERVIEWER WITHIN ELECTION STUDY --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES: This item should provide a unique, numeric identification code for each interviewer who administered the survey. .................................................................. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- A3. >>> INTERVIEWER GENDER --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES: This item should indicate the interviewer's gender. .................................................................. 1. MALE 2. FEMALE 5. OTHER 9. MISSING --------------------------------------------------------------------------- A4a. >>> DATE QUESTIONNAIRE ADMINISTERED - MONTH A4b. >>> DATE QUESTIONNAIRE ADMINISTERED - DAY A4c. >>> DATE QUESTIONNAIRE ADMINISTERED - YEAR --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES: This item should indicate the date on which the post-election interview took place. Please note that recording and providing this information to CSES is especially important because it is used in combination with the date of birth information in the demographic section to calculate the age of the respondent. .................................................................. MONTH 01. JANUARY 02. FEBRUARY 03. MARCH 04. APRIL 05. MAY 06. JUNE 07. JULY 08. AUGUST 09. SEPTEMBER 10. OCTOBER 11. NOVEMBER 12. DECEMBER 99. MISSING DAY 01-31. DAY OF MONTH 99. MISSING YEAR 2016-2021. YEAR 9999. MISSING --------------------------------------------------------------------------- A5. >>> ORIGINAL WEIGHT: SAMPLE >>> ORIGINAL WEIGHT: DEMOGRAPHIC >>> ORIGINAL WEIGHT: POLITICAL --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES: Please provide any weights that you have available. We are able to include up to three separate weights in the CSES dataset: one sample weight, one demographic weight, and one political weight. Please also provide whatever documentation is available concerning the weights and their creation. .................................................................. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- A6. >>> LANGUAGE OF QUESTIONNAIRE ADMINISTRATION --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES: For election studies where the questionnaire is administered in more than one language, please indicate here what language was used to conduct the interview for each respondent. .................................................................. =========================================================================== ))) CSES MODULE 5 QUESTIONNAIRE: CSES MODULE =========================================================================== NOTES: This is the CSES Module itself, a common module of survey questions for researchers to include in their national post-election survey. The questionnaire is intended to be administered exactly as it appears in this document. All items in this section begin with the letter "Q". --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q01. >>> POLITICAL INTEREST --------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEXT: How interested would you say you are in politics? Are you very interested, somewhat interested, not very interested, or not at all interested? .................................................................. 1. VERY INTERESTED 2. SOMEWHAT INTERESTED 3. NOT VERY INTERESTED 4. NOT AT ALL INTERESTED 7. VOLUNTEERED: REFUSED 8. VOLUNTEERED: DON'T KNOW 9. MISSING --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q02. >>> POLITICS IN THE MEDIA --------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEXT: And how closely do you follow politics on TV, radio, newspapers, or the Internet? Very closely, fairly closely, not very closely, or not at all? .................................................................. 1. VERY CLOSELY 2. FAIRLY CLOSELY 3. NOT VERY CLOSELY 4. NOT AT ALL 7. VOLUNTEERED: REFUSED 8. VOLUNTEERED: DON'T KNOW 9. MISSING --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q03. >>> INTERNAL EFFICACY --------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEXT: Please tell me whether you strongly agree, somewhat agree, neither agree nor disagree, somewhat disagree, or strongly disagree with each of the following statements: You feel you understand the most important political issues of this country. .................................................................. 1. STRONGLY AGREE 2. SOMEWHAT AGREE 3. NEITHER AGREE NOR DISAGREE 4. SOMEWHAT DISAGREE 5. STRONGLY DISAGREE 7. VOLUNTEERED: REFUSED 8. VOLUNTEERED: DON'T KNOW 9. MISSING --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q04a. >>> ATTITUDES ABOUT ELITES: COMPROMISE --------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEXT: (Do you strongly agree, somewhat agree, neither agree nor disagree, somewhat disagree, or strongly disagree with the following statement?) What people call compromise in politics is really just selling out on one's principles. .................................................................. HELP: At their discretion, the interviewer may use the optional phrase (the phrase which is in parentheses) if they perceive it would be helpful to the respondent in remembering the possible answer choices. .................................................................. 1. STRONGLY AGREE 2. SOMEWHAT AGREE 3. NEITHER AGREE NOR DISAGREE 4. SOMEWHAT DISAGREE 5. STRONGLY DISAGREE 7. VOLUNTEERED: REFUSED 8. VOLUNTEERED: DON'T KNOW 9. MISSING --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q04b. >>> ATTITUDES ABOUT ELITES: DO NOT CARE ABOUT THE PEOPLE --------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEXT: (Do you strongly agree, somewhat agree, neither agree nor disagree, somewhat disagree, or strongly disagree with the following statement?) Most politicians do not care about the people. .................................................................. HELP: At their discretion, the interviewer may use the optional phrase (the phrase which is in parentheses) if they perceive it would be helpful to the respondent in remembering the possible answer choices. .................................................................. 1. STRONGLY AGREE 2. SOMEWHAT AGREE 3. NEITHER AGREE NOR DISAGREE 4. SOMEWHAT DISAGREE 5. STRONGLY DISAGREE 7. VOLUNTEERED: REFUSED 8. VOLUNTEERED: DON'T KNOW 9. MISSING --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q04c. >>> ATTITUDES ABOUT ELITES: ARE TRUSTWORTHY --------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEXT: (Do you strongly agree, somewhat agree, neither agree nor disagree, somewhat disagree, or strongly disagree with the following statement?) Most politicians are trustworthy. .................................................................. HELP: At their discretion, the interviewer may use the optional phrase (the phrase which is in parentheses) if they perceive it would be helpful to the respondent in remembering the possible answer choices. .................................................................. 1. STRONGLY AGREE 2. SOMEWHAT AGREE 3. NEITHER AGREE NOR DISAGREE 4. SOMEWHAT DISAGREE 5. STRONGLY DISAGREE 7. VOLUNTEERED: REFUSED 8. VOLUNTEERED: DON'T KNOW 9. MISSING --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q04d. >>> ATTITUDES ABOUT ELITES: ARE THE MAIN PROBLEM --------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEXT: (Do you strongly agree, somewhat agree, neither agree nor disagree, somewhat disagree, or strongly disagree with the following statement?) Politicians are the main problem in [COUNTRY]. .................................................................. HELP: At their discretion, the interviewer may use the optional phrase (the phrase which is in parentheses) if they perceive it would be helpful to the respondent in remembering the possible answer choices. .................................................................. 1. STRONGLY AGREE 2. SOMEWHAT AGREE 3. NEITHER AGREE NOR DISAGREE 4. SOMEWHAT DISAGREE 5. STRONGLY DISAGREE 7. VOLUNTEERED: REFUSED 8. VOLUNTEERED: DON'T KNOW 9. MISSING --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q04e. >>> ATTITUDES ABOUT ELITES: STRONG LEADER BENDS THE RULES --------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEXT: (Do you strongly agree, somewhat agree, neither agree nor disagree, somewhat disagree, or strongly disagree with the following statement?) Having a strong leader in government is good for [COUNTRY] even if the leader bends the rules to get things done. .................................................................. HELP: At their discretion, the interviewer may use the optional phrase (the phrase which is in parentheses) if they perceive it would be helpful to the respondent in remembering the possible answer choices. .................................................................. 1. STRONGLY AGREE 2. SOMEWHAT AGREE 3. NEITHER AGREE NOR DISAGREE 4. SOMEWHAT DISAGREE 5. STRONGLY DISAGREE 7. VOLUNTEERED: REFUSED 8. VOLUNTEERED: DON'T KNOW 9. MISSING --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q04f. >>> ATTITUDES ABOUT ELITES: PEOPLE SHOULD MAKE POLICY DECISIONS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEXT: (Do you strongly agree, somewhat agree, neither agree nor disagree, somewhat disagree, or strongly disagree with the following statement?) The people, and not politicians, should make our most important policy decisions. .................................................................. HELP: At their discretion, the interviewer may use the optional phrase (the phrase which is in parentheses) if they perceive it would be helpful to the respondent in remembering the possible answer choices. .................................................................. 1. STRONGLY AGREE 2. SOMEWHAT AGREE 3. NEITHER AGREE NOR DISAGREE 4. SOMEWHAT DISAGREE 5. STRONGLY DISAGREE 7. VOLUNTEERED: REFUSED 8. VOLUNTEERED: DON'T KNOW 9. MISSING --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q04g. >>> ATTITUDES ABOUT ELITES: RICH AND POWERFUL --------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEXT: (Do you strongly agree, somewhat agree, neither agree nor disagree, somewhat disagree, or strongly disagree with the following statement?) Most politicians care only about the interests of the rich and powerful. .................................................................. HELP: At their discretion, the interviewer may use the optional phrase (the phrase which is in parentheses) if they perceive it would be helpful to the respondent in remembering the possible answer choices. .................................................................. 1. STRONGLY AGREE 2. SOMEWHAT AGREE 3. NEITHER AGREE NOR DISAGREE 4. SOMEWHAT DISAGREE 5. STRONGLY DISAGREE 7. VOLUNTEERED: REFUSED 8. VOLUNTEERED: DON'T KNOW 9. MISSING --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q05a. >>> OUT-GROUP ATTITUDES: MINORITIES - CUSTOMS AND TRADITIONS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES: For the purpose of this question and translation, the use of the term "minorities" is meant to represent "a group of people differentiated from the social majority in terms of one or more characteristics; for instance: ethnicity, language, religion, or caste." .................................................................. TEXT: Now thinking about minorities in [COUNTRY]. (Do you strongly agree, somewhat agree, neither agree nor disagree, somewhat disagree, or strongly disagree with the following statement?) Minorities should adapt to the customs and traditions of [COUNTRY]. .................................................................. HELP: At their discretion, the interviewer may use the optional phrase (the phrase which is in parentheses) if they perceive it would be helpful to the respondent in remembering the possible answer choices. .................................................................. 1. STRONGLY AGREE 2. SOMEWHAT AGREE 3. NEITHER AGREE NOR DISAGREE 4. SOMEWHAT DISAGREE 5. STRONGLY DISAGREE 7. VOLUNTEERED: REFUSED 8. VOLUNTEERED: DON'T KNOW 9. MISSING --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q05b. >>> OUT-GROUP ATTITUDES: MINORITIES - WILL OF THE MAJORITY --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES: For the purpose of this question and translation, the use of the term "minorities" is meant to represent "a group of people differentiated from the social majority in terms of one or more characteristics; for instance: ethnicity, language, religion, or caste." .................................................................. TEXT: (Do you strongly agree, somewhat agree, neither agree nor disagree, somewhat disagree, or strongly disagree with the following statement?) The will of the majority should always prevail, even over the rights of minorities. .................................................................. HELP: At their discretion, the interviewer may use the optional phrase (the phrase which is in parentheses) if they perceive it would be helpful to the respondent in remembering the possible answer choices. .................................................................. 1. STRONGLY AGREE 2. SOMEWHAT AGREE 3. NEITHER AGREE NOR DISAGREE 4. SOMEWHAT DISAGREE 5. STRONGLY DISAGREE 7. VOLUNTEERED: REFUSED 8. VOLUNTEERED: DON'T KNOW 9. MISSING --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q05c. >>> OUT-GROUP ATTITUDES: IMMIGRANTS GOOD FOR ECONOMY --------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEXT: And now thinking specifically about immigrants: (Do you strongly agree, somewhat agree, neither agree nor disagree, somewhat disagree, or strongly disagree with the following statement?) Immigrants are generally good for [COUNTRY]'s economy. .................................................................. HELP: At their discretion, the interviewer may use the optional phrase (the phrase which is in parentheses) if they perceive it would be helpful to the respondent in remembering the possible answer choices. .................................................................. 1. STRONGLY AGREE 2. SOMEWHAT AGREE 3. NEITHER AGREE NOR DISAGREE 4. SOMEWHAT DISAGREE 5. STRONGLY DISAGREE 7. VOLUNTEERED: REFUSED 8. VOLUNTEERED: DON'T KNOW 9. MISSING --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q05d. >>> OUT-GROUP ATTITUDES: CULTURE HARMED BY IMMIGRANTS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEXT: (Do you strongly agree, somewhat agree, neither agree nor disagree, somewhat disagree, or strongly disagree with the following statement?) [COUNTRY]'s culture is generally harmed by immigrants. .................................................................. HELP: At their discretion, the interviewer may use the optional phrase (the phrase which is in parentheses) if they perceive it would be helpful to the respondent in remembering the possible answer choices. .................................................................. 1. STRONGLY AGREE 2. SOMEWHAT AGREE 3. NEITHER AGREE NOR DISAGREE 4. SOMEWHAT DISAGREE 5. STRONGLY DISAGREE 7. VOLUNTEERED: REFUSED 8. VOLUNTEERED: DON'T KNOW 9. MISSING --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q05e. >>> OUT-GROUP ATTITUDES: IMMIGRANTS INCREASE CRIME --------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEXT: (Do you strongly agree, somewhat agree, neither agree nor disagree, somewhat disagree, or strongly disagree with the following statement?) Immigrants increase crime rates in [COUNTRY]. .................................................................. HELP: At their discretion, the interviewer may use the optional phrase (the phrase which is in parentheses) if they perceive it would be helpful to the respondent in remembering the possible answer choices. .................................................................. 1. STRONGLY AGREE 2. SOMEWHAT AGREE 3. NEITHER AGREE NOR DISAGREE 4. SOMEWHAT DISAGREE 5. STRONGLY DISAGREE 7. VOLUNTEERED: REFUSED 8. VOLUNTEERED: DON'T KNOW 9. MISSING --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q06a. >>> NATIONAL IDENTITY: TO HAVE BEEN BORN IN COUNTRY --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES: Examples of text to substitute in for "truly [NATIONALITY]" are "truly British" (for Great Britain) and "a true American" (for the United States). .................................................................. TEXT: Now changing the topic... Some people say that the following things are important for being truly [NATIONALITY]. Others say they are not important. How important do you think the following is for being truly [NATIONALITY]... very important, fairly important, not very important, or not important at all? To have been born in [COUNTRY]. .................................................................. 1. VERY IMPORTANT 2. FAIRLY IMPORTANT 3. NOT VERY IMPORTANT 4. NOT IMPORTANT AT ALL 7. VOLUNTEERED: REFUSED 8. VOLUNTEERED: DON'T KNOW 9. MISSING --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q06b. >>> NATIONAL IDENTITY: ANCESTRY --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES: The following alternative phrase can be used in young countries (such as the United States) where it is thought the question may be misunderstood by respondents: "For your grandparents to have been born in [COUNTRY]." Again, though, please only use the above phrase in younger countries where it is thought respondents might otherwise be confused by the below, preferred, wording. .................................................................. TEXT: (How important do you think the following is for being truly [NATIONALITY]... very important, fairly important, not very important, or not important at all?) To have [NATIONALITY] ancestry. .................................................................. HELP: At their discretion, the interviewer may use the optional phrase (the phrase which is in parentheses) if they perceive it would be helpful to the respondent in remembering the possible answer choices. .................................................................. 1. VERY IMPORTANT 2. FAIRLY IMPORTANT 3. NOT VERY IMPORTANT 4. NOT IMPORTANT AT ALL 7. VOLUNTEERED: REFUSED 8. VOLUNTEERED: DON'T KNOW 9. MISSING --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q06c. >>> NATIONAL IDENTITY: TO BE ABLE TO SPEAK COUNTRY LANGUAGES --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES: For "COUNTRY NATIONAL LANGUAGES" please substitute the official national language, or languages, of the country. If two or more languages are recognized nationwide, all should be included in the question. If there is no official national language or languages, please use the primary language(s) in use in the country. However, if there is one national lingua franca (for instance, Spanish in Spain, Russian in Russia) just give this language. For instance, in Switzerland one would use "To be able to speak German, French, Italian, or Romansh." By contrast, in Sweden where there is only one official national language, one would use "To be able to speak Swedish." .................................................................. TEXT: (How important do you think the following is for being truly [NATIONALITY]... very important, fairly important, not very important, or not important at all?) To be able to speak [COUNTRY NATIONAL LANGUAGES]. .................................................................. HELP: At their discretion, the interviewer may use the optional phrase (the phrase which is in parentheses) if they perceive it would be helpful to the respondent in remembering the possible answer choices. .................................................................. 1. VERY IMPORTANT 2. FAIRLY IMPORTANT 3. NOT VERY IMPORTANT 4. NOT IMPORTANT AT ALL 7. VOLUNTEERED: REFUSED 8. VOLUNTEERED: DON'T KNOW 9. MISSING --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q06d. >>> NATIONAL IDENTITY: TO FOLLOW CUSTOMS AND TRADITIONS COUNTRY --------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEXT: (How important do you think the following is for being truly [NATIONALITY]... very important, fairly important, not very important, or not important at all?) To follow [COUNTRY]'s customs and traditions. .................................................................. HELP: At their discretion, the interviewer may use the optional phrase (the phrase which is in parentheses) if they perceive it would be helpful to the respondent in remembering the possible answer choices. .................................................................. 1. VERY IMPORTANT 2. FAIRLY IMPORTANT 3. NOT VERY IMPORTANT 4. NOT IMPORTANT AT ALL 7. VOLUNTEERED: REFUSED 8. VOLUNTEERED: DON'T KNOW 9. MISSING --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q07. >>> HOW WIDESPREAD IS CORRUPTION --------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEXT: Now on to another topic. How widespread do you think corruption such as bribe taking is among politicians in [COUNTRY]: very widespread, quite widespread, not very widespread, or it hardly happens at all? .................................................................. 1. VERY WIDESPREAD 2. QUITE WIDESPREAD 3. NOT VERY WIDESPREAD 4. IT HARDLY HAPPENS AT ALL 8. VOLUNTEERED: DON'T KNOW 9. VOLUNTEERED: REFUSED 7. MISSING --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q08. >>> GOVERNMENT ACTION - DIFFERENCES IN INCOME LEVELS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEXT: Please say to what extent you agree or disagree with the following statement: "The government should take measures to reduce differences in income levels." Do you strongly agree, somewhat agree, neither agree nor disagree, somewhat disagree, or strongly disagree? .................................................................. 1. STRONGLY AGREE 2. SOMEWHAT AGREE 3. NEITHER AGREE NOR DISAGREE 4. SOMEWHAT DISAGREE 5. STRONGLY DISAGREE 7. VOLUNTEERED: REFUSED 8. VOLUNTEERED: DON'T KNOW 9. MISSING --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q09. >>> GOVERNMENT PERFORMANCE: GENERAL --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES: In studies of parliamentary elections, ask about the government. For "in [CAPITAL]" substitute the name of the capital of the country where the election was held. In studies of presidential elections, ask about the president. For example, for a presidential election study in an imaginary country with capital "XYZ", where the last election was five years ago and the president prior to the election was female, the question would read: "Now thinking about the performance of the president in general, how good or bad a job do you think the president in XYZ has done over the past five years? Has she done a very good job? A good job? A bad job? A very bad job?" When substituting a number for the phrase "[NUMBER OF YEARS SINCE LAST GOVERNMENT TOOK OFFICE, BEFORE THE CURRENT ELECTION]" please ignore interim/caretaker governments. .................................................................. TEXT: Now thinking about the performance of the [government in [CAPITAL]/president] in general, how good or bad a job do you think the [government/president in [CAPITAL]] did over the past [NUMBER OF YEARS SINCE LAST GOVERNMENT TOOK OFFICE, BEFORE THE CURRENT ELECTION] years? Has [it/he/she] done a very good job? A good job? A bad job? A very bad job? .................................................................. 1. VERY GOOD JOB 2. GOOD JOB 3. BAD JOB 4. VERY BAD JOB 7. VOLUNTEERED: REFUSED 8. VOLUNTEERED: DON'T KNOW 9. MISSING --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q10a. >>> IS THERE A PARTY THAT REPRESENTS RESPONDENT'S VIEWS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEXT: Would you say that any of the parties in [COUNTRY] represent your views reasonably well? .................................................................. 1. YES 5. NO -> GO TO Q11 7. VOLUNTEERED: REFUSED 8. VOLUNTEERED: DON'T KNOW 9. MISSING --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q10b. >>> PARTY THAT REPRESENTS RESPONDENT'S VIEWS BEST --------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEXT: Which party represents your views best? .................................................................. 01-95. [PLEASE PROVIDE PARTY CODES] 97. VOLUNTEERED: REFUSED 98. VOLUNTEERED: DON'T KNOW 99. MISSING --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q11. >>> STATE OF ECONOMY --------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEXT: Would you say that over the past twelve months, the state of the economy in [COUNTRY] has gotten much better, gotten somewhat better, stayed about the same, gotten somewhat worse, or gotten much worse? .................................................................. 1. GOTTEN MUCH BETTER 2. GOTTEN SOMEWHAT BETTER 3. STAYED ABOUT THE SAME 4. GOTTEN SOMEWHAT WORSE 5. GOTTEN MUCH WORSE 7. VOLUNTEERED: REFUSED 8. VOLUNTEERED: DON'T KNOW 9. MISSING --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q12P1-a. >>> CURRENT PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION [FIRST ROUND]: DID RESPONDENT CAST A BALLOT [IF APPLICABLE] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES: For information about how to administer the vote choice items, please refer to the "COLLABORATOR INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE ADMINISTRATION OF THE CSES QUESTIONNAIRE" section which is found at the beginning of this questionnaire, paying special attention to Instruction 15. This item should ascertain whether or not the respondent cast a ballot, regardless of whether or not it was valid. .................................................................. 1. RESPONDENT CAST A BALLOT 5. RESPONDENT DID NOT CAST A BALLOT 6. VOLUNTEERED: RESPONDENT NOT REGISTERED ON ELECTORAL LISTS [IF APPLICABLE] 7. VOLUNTEERED: REFUSED 8. VOLUNTEERED: DON'T KNOW 9. MISSING --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q12P1-b. >>> CURRENT PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION [FIRST ROUND]: VOTE CHOICE [IF APPLICABLE] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES: For information about how to administer the vote choice items, please refer to the "COLLABORATOR INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE ADMINISTRATION OF THE CSES QUESTIONNAIRE" section which is found at the beginning of this questionnaire. This item should report the respondent's vote choice for president. .................................................................. 01-95. [PLEASE PROVIDE PARTY/CANDIDATE CODES] 96. RESPONDENT CAST INVALID BALLOT 97. VOLUNTEERED: REFUSED 98. VOLUNTEERED: DON'T KNOW 99. MISSING --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q12P2-a. >>> CURRENT PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION [SECOND ROUND]: DID RESPONDENT CAST A BALLOT [IF APPLICABLE] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES: If the data collection occurs between rounds in a two round election, this item should ascertain whether or not the respondent intends to cast a ballot in the second round, regardless of whether or not it will be valid. If the data collection occurs after the second round in a two round election, this item should ascertain whether or not the respondent cast a ballot in the second round, regardless of whether or not it was valid. .................................................................. 1. RESPONDENT CAST/WILL CAST A BALLOT 5. RESPONDENT DID NOT CAST/WILL NOT CAST A BALLOT 6. VOLUNTEERED: RESPONDENT NOT REGISTERED ON ELECTORAL LISTS [IF APPLICABLE] 7. VOLUNTEERED: REFUSED 8. VOLUNTEERED: DON'T KNOW 9. MISSING --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q12P2-b. >>> CURRENT PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION [SECOND ROUND]: VOTE CHOICE [IF APPLICABLE] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES: If the data collection occurs between rounds in a two round election, this item should report the respondent's vote choice intention for president in the second round. If the data collection occurs after the second round in a two round election, this item should report the respondent's vote choice for president in the second round. .................................................................. 01-95. [PLEASE PROVIDE PARTY/CANDIDATE CODES] 96. RESPONDENT CAST/WILL CAST INVALID BALLOT 97. VOLUNTEERED: REFUSED 98. VOLUNTEERED: DON'T KNOW 99. MISSING --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q12LH-a. >>> CURRENT LOWER HOUSE ELECTION: DID RESPONDENT CAST A BALLOT [IF APPLICABLE] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES: This item should ascertain whether or not the respondent cast a ballot, regardless of whether or not it was valid. .................................................................. 1. RESPONDENT CAST A BALLOT 5. RESPONDENT DID NOT CAST A BALLOT 6. VOLUNTEERED: RESPONDENT NOT REGISTERED ON ELECTORAL LISTS [IF APPLICABLE] 7. VOLUNTEERED: REFUSED 8. VOLUNTEERED: DON'T KNOW 9. MISSING --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q12LH-b. >>> CURRENT LOWER HOUSE ELECTION: VOTE CHOICE - PARTY LIST [IF APPLICABLE] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES: If applicable and respondent cast a ballot in the legislative election. This item should report the respondent's vote choice for party list. .................................................................. 01-95. [PLEASE PROVIDE PARTY/CANDIDATE CODES] 96. RESPONDENT CAST INVALID BALLOT 97. VOLUNTEERED: REFUSED 98. VOLUNTEERED: DON'T KNOW 99. MISSING --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q12LH-c. >>> CURRENT LOWER HOUSE ELECTION: VOTE CHOICE - DISTRICT CANDIDATE [IF APPLICABLE] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES: If applicable and respondent cast a ballot in the legislative election. This item should report the respondent's vote choice for district candidate. If more than one candidate have one party's affiliation, please provide choice for individual candidates. For preferential voting systems, please provide the first two preferences (Q12LH-c1 and Q12LH-c2). .................................................................. 01-95. [PLEASE PROVIDE PARTY/CANDIDATE CODES] 96. RESPONDENT CAST INVALID BALLOT 97. VOLUNTEERED: REFUSED 98. VOLUNTEERED: DON'T KNOW 99. MISSING --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q12LH-d. >>> CURRENT LOWER HOUSE ELECTION: DID RESPONDENT CAST CANDIDATE PREFERENCE VOTE --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES: If an open-list electoral system was used for the legislative election in question and respondent cast a ballot. This item should report whether or not the respondent cast a preference vote for a candidate. For instance, if votes are cast for party lists, but citizens can, in addition to that, mark a preference for one or more candidates on the party list, then Q12LH-d may show answers to a question like this: "Did you simply vote for a party or did you also express a candidate preference?" In party list systems where voters have to vote directly for a candidate and cannot cast a vote just for the party list as such (e.g. Estonia, Finland, the Netherlands, Poland), this question should read like this: "Do you consider the vote that you cast merely a vote for the party, or did you also mean it as a vote for a particular candidate?" .................................................................. 1. RESPONDENT EXERCISED CANDIDATE PREFERENCE 2. RESPONDENT DID NOT EXERCISE CANDIDATE PREFERENCE 6. RESPONDENT CAST INVALID BALLOT 7. VOLUNTEERED: REFUSED 8. VOLUNTEERED: DON'T KNOW 9. MISSING --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q12UH-a. >>> CURRENT UPPER HOUSE ELECTION: DID RESPONDENT CAST A BALLOT [IF APPLICABLE] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES: This item should ascertain whether or not the respondent cast a ballot, regardless of whether or not it was valid. .................................................................. 1. RESPONDENT CAST A BALLOT 5. RESPONDENT DID NOT CAST A BALLOT 6. VOLUNTEERED: RESPONDENT NOT REGISTERED ON ELECTORAL LISTS [IF APPLICABLE] 7. VOLUNTEERED: REFUSED 8. VOLUNTEERED: DON'T KNOW 9. MISSING --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q12UH-b. >>> CURRENT UPPER HOUSE ELECTION: VOTE CHOICE - PARTY LIST [IF APPLICABLE] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES: If applicable and respondent cast a ballot in the legislative election. This item should report the respondent's vote choice for party list. .................................................................. 01-95. [PLEASE PROVIDE PARTY/CANDIDATE CODES] 96. RESPONDENT CAST INVALID BALLOT 97. VOLUNTEERED: REFUSED 98. VOLUNTEERED: DON'T KNOW 99. MISSING --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q12UH-c. >>> CURRENT UPPER HOUSE ELECTION: VOTE CHOICE - DISTRICT CANDIDATE [IF APPLICABLE] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES: If applicable and respondent cast a ballot in the legislative election. This item should report the respondent's vote choice for district candidate. If more than one candidate have one party's affiliation, please provide choice for individual candidates. For preferential voting systems, please provide the first two preferences (Q12LH-c1 and Q12LH-c2). .................................................................. 01-95. [PLEASE PROVIDE PARTY/CANDIDATE CODES] 96. RESPONDENT CAST INVALID BALLOT 97. VOLUNTEERED: REFUSED 98. VOLUNTEERED: DON'T KNOW 99. MISSING --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q12UH-d. >>> CURRENT UPPER HOUSE ELECTION: DID RESPONDENT CAST CANDIDATE PREFERENCE VOTE --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES: If an open-list electoral system was used for the legislative election in question and respondent cast a ballot. This item should report whether or not the respondent cast a preference vote for a candidate. For instance, if votes are cast for party lists, but citizens can, in addition to that, mark a preference for one or more candidates on the party list, then Q12LH-d may show answers to a question like this: "Did you simply vote for a party or did you also express a candidate preference?" In party list systems where voters have to vote directly for a candidate and cannot cast a vote just for the party list as such (e.g. Estonia, Finland, the Netherlands, Poland), this question should read like this: "Do you consider the vote that you cast merely a vote for the party, or did you also mean it as a vote for a particular candidate?" .................................................................. 1. RESPONDENT EXERCISED CANDIDATE PREFERENCE 2. RESPONDENT DID NOT EXERCISE CANDIDATE PREFERENCE 6. RESPONDENT CAST INVALID BALLOT 7. VOLUNTEERED: REFUSED 8. VOLUNTEERED: DON'T KNOW 9. MISSING --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q13a. >>> PREVIOUS ELECTION: DID RESPONDENT CAST A BALLOT --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES: For information about how to administer the vote choice items, please refer to the "COLLABORATOR INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE ADMINISTRATION OF THE CSES QUESTIONNAIRE" section which is found at the beginning of this questionnaire. This item should ascertain whether or not the respondent cast a ballot, regardless of whether or not it was valid, in the PREVIOUS election to be considered (see instructions). .................................................................. 1. RESPONDENT CAST A BALLOT 5. RESPONDENT DID NOT CAST A BALLOT 6. VOLUNTEERED: NOT ELIGIBLE TO VOTE IN LAST ELECTION OR NOT REGISTERED ON ELECTORAL LISTS 7. VOLUNTEERED: REFUSED 8. VOLUNTEERED: DON'T KNOW 9. MISSING --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q13b. >>> PREVIOUS ELECTION: VOTE CHOICE - PARTY LIST --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES: This item should ascertain whether or not the respondent cast a ballot, regardless of whether or not it was valid, in the PREVIOUS election to be considered (please see the instructions from the beginning of this questionnaire). This item should report the respondent's vote choice for party list in the PREVIOUS election. Which PREVIOUS elections to be asked about should be considered in accordance with the instructions from the beginning of this questionnaire. .................................................................. 01-95. [PLEASE PROVIDE PARTY/CANDIDATE CODES] 96. RESPONDENT CAST INVALID BALLOT 97. VOLUNTEERED: REFUSED 98. VOLUNTEERED: DON'T KNOW 99. MISSING --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q13c. >>> PREVIOUS ELECTION: VOTE CHOICE - DISTRICT CANDIDATE --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES: This question should be asked if applicable and the respondent cast a ballot in the legislative election. This item should report the respondent's vote choice for district candidate in the PREVIOUS election. .................................................................. 01-95. [PLEASE PROVIDE PARTY/CANDIDATE CODES] 96. RESPONDENT CAST INVALID BALLOT 97. VOLUNTEERED: REFUSED 98. VOLUNTEERED: DON'T KNOW 99. MISSING --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q14a. >>> WHO IS IN POWER CAN MAKE A BIG DIFFERENCE --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES: Collaborators, please be sure to include the words "big" and "any" where they appear in both the question text and the code labels. Also, a showcard is available for this question. .................................................................. TEXT: Some people say that it doesn't make any difference who is in power. Others say that it makes a big difference who is in power. Using the scale on this card, (where ONE means that it doesn't make any difference who is in power and FIVE means that it makes a big difference who is in power), where would you place yourself? .................................................................. 1. IT DOESN'T MAKE ANY DIFFERENCE WHO IS IN POWER 2. 3. 4. 5. IT MAKES A BIG DIFFERENCE WHO IS IN POWER 7. VOLUNTEERED: REFUSED 8. VOLUNTEERED: DON'T KNOW 9. MISSING --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q14b. >>> WHO PEOPLE VOTE FOR MAKES A BIG DIFFERENCE --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES: Collaborators, please be sure to include the words "big" and "any" where they appear in both the question text and the code labels. Also, a showcard is available for this question. .................................................................. TEXT: Some people say that no matter who people vote for, it won't make any difference to what happens. Others say that who people vote for can make a big difference to what happens. Using the scale on this card, (where ONE means that voting won't make any difference to what happens and FIVE means that voting can make a big difference), where would you place yourself? .................................................................. 1. WHO PEOPLE VOTE FOR WON'T MAKE ANY DIFFERENCE 2. 3. 4. 5. WHO PEOPLE VOTE FOR CAN MAKE A BIG DIFFERENCE 7. VOLUNTEERED: REFUSED 8. VOLUNTEERED: DON'T KNOW 9. MISSING --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q15a. >>> LIKE-DISLIKE - PARTY A Q15b. >>> LIKE-DISLIKE - PARTY B Q15c. >>> LIKE-DISLIKE - PARTY C Q15d. >>> LIKE-DISLIKE - PARTY D Q15e. >>> LIKE-DISLIKE - PARTY E Q15f. >>> LIKE-DISLIKE - PARTY F Q15g. >>> LIKE-DISLIKE - PARTY G (OPTIONAL) Q15h. >>> LIKE-DISLIKE - PARTY H (OPTIONAL) Q15i. >>> LIKE-DISLIKE - PARTY I (OPTIONAL) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES: Please have the respondent rate the six parties [PARTY A through PARTY F] that received the most votes. If appropriate, the collaborator may also include up to three additional parties [PARTY G through PARTY I] that are relevant to studying the election, regardless of the number of votes received. It is important that interviewers properly record the volunteered responses "don't know" and "haven't heard of" when respondents offer either response. Also, a showcard is available for this question. .................................................................. TEXT: I’d like to know what you think about each of our political parties. After I read the name of a political party, please rate it on a scale from 0 to 10, where 0 means you strongly dislike that party and 10 means that you strongly like that party. If I come to a party you haven’t heard of or you feel you do not know enough about, just say so. The first party is [PARTY A]. Using the same scale, where would you place, [PARTY B]? Using the same scale, where would you place, [PARTY C]? Using the same scale, where would you place, [PARTY D]? Using the same scale, where would you place, [PARTY E]? Using the same scale, where would you place, [PARTY F]? .................................................................. 00. STRONGLY DISLIKE 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. STRONGLY LIKE 96. HAVEN'T HEARD OF PARTY 97. VOLUNTEERED: REFUSED 98. DON'T KNOW ENOUGH ABOUT/DON'T KNOW WHERE TO RATE 99. MISSING --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q16a. >>> LIKE-DISLIKE - LEADER A Q16b. >>> LIKE-DISLIKE - LEADER B Q16c. >>> LIKE-DISLIKE - LEADER C Q16d. >>> LIKE-DISLIKE - LEADER D Q16e. >>> LIKE-DISLIKE - LEADER E Q16f. >>> LIKE-DISLIKE - LEADER F Q16g. >>> LIKE-DISLIKE - LEADER G (OPTIONAL) Q16h. >>> LIKE-DISLIKE - LEADER H (OPTIONAL) Q16i. >>> LIKE-DISLIKE - LEADER I (OPTIONAL) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES: This question set should be asked in all studies. Ask the questions in studies of parliamentary elections, and ask the questions in studies of presidential elections. Candidates/leaders to be rated should be the leaders of the parties rated in question set Q15a-Q15i. It is important that interviewers properly record the volunteered responses "don't know" and "haven't heard of" when respondents offer either response. Also, a showcard is available for this question. .................................................................. TEXT: And what do you think of the presidential candidates/party leaders? After I read the name of a presidential candidate/party leader, please rate them on a scale from 0 to 10, where 0 means you strongly dislike that candidate and 10 means that you strongly like that candidate. If I come to a presidential candidate/party leader you haven’t heard of or you feel you do not know enough about, just say so. The first is [LEADER A]. Using the same scale, where would you place, [LEADER B]? Using the same scale, where would you place, [LEADER C]? Using the same scale, where would you place, [LEADER D]? Using the same scale, where would you place, [LEADER E]? Using the same scale, where would you place, [LEADER F]? .................................................................. 00. STRONGLY DISLIKE 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. STRONGLY LIKE 96. HAVEN'T HEARD OF LEADER 97. VOLUNTEERED: REFUSED 98. DON'T KNOW ENOUGH ABOUT/DON'T KNOW WHERE TO RATE 99. MISSING --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q17a. >>> LEFT-RIGHT - PARTY A Q17b. >>> LEFT-RIGHT - PARTY B Q17c. >>> LEFT-RIGHT - PARTY C Q17d. >>> LEFT-RIGHT - PARTY D Q17e. >>> LEFT-RIGHT - PARTY E Q17f. >>> LEFT-RIGHT - PARTY F Q17g. >>> LEFT-RIGHT - PARTY G (OPTIONAL) Q17h. >>> LEFT-RIGHT - PARTY H (OPTIONAL) Q17i. >>> LEFT-RIGHT - PARTY I (OPTIONAL) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES: The parties evaluated in this question set should be the same parties as were asked about in question set Q15a-Q15i. Collaborators should ask the left-right scale questions, even if left-right is not considered to be meaningful/important/widely understood in the area being studied. If the national collaborator team feels that administering this question set will cause important or serious issues with respect to the conduct of the survey, they should discuss these issues with the CSES Secretariat in advance. Also, a showcard is available for this question. .................................................................. TEXT: In politics people sometimes talk of left and right. Where would you place [PARTY A] on a scale from 0 to 10 where 0 means the left and 10 means the right? Using the same scale, where would you place [PARTY B]? Where would you place [PARTY C]? Where would you place [PARTY D]? Where would you place [PARTY E]? Where would you place [PARTY F]? .................................................................. 00. LEFT 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. RIGHT 95. VOLUNTEERED: HAVEN'T HEARD OF LEFT-RIGHT 96. VOLUNTEERED: HAVEN'T HEARD OF PARTY 97. VOLUNTEERED: REFUSED 98. VOLUNTEERED: DON'T KNOW WHERE TO PLACE 99. MISSING --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q18. >>> LEFT-RIGHT - SELF --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES: Collaborators should ask the left-right scale questions, even if left-right is not considered to be meaningful/important/widely understood in the area being studied. If the national collaborator team feels that administering this question will cause important or serious issues with respect to the conduct of the survey, they should discuss these issues with the CSES Secretariat in advance. Also, a showcard is available for this question. .................................................................. TEXT: Where would you place yourself on this scale? .................................................................. 00. LEFT 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. RIGHT 95. VOLUNTEERED: HAVEN'T HEARD OF LEFT-RIGHT 97. VOLUNTEERED: REFUSED 98. VOLUNTEERED: DON'T KNOW WHERE TO PLACE 99. MISSING --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q19a. >>> OPTIONAL ALTERNATIVE SCALE - PARTY A Q19b. >>> OPTIONAL ALTERNATIVE SCALE - PARTY B Q19c. >>> OPTIONAL ALTERNATIVE SCALE - PARTY C Q19d. >>> OPTIONAL ALTERNATIVE SCALE - PARTY D Q19e. >>> OPTIONAL ALTERNATIVE SCALE - PARTY E Q19f. >>> OPTIONAL ALTERNATIVE SCALE - PARTY F Q19g. >>> OPTIONAL ALTERNATIVE SCALE - PARTY G (OPTIONAL) Q19h. >>> OPTIONAL ALTERNATIVE SCALE - PARTY H (OPTIONAL) Q19i. >>> OPTIONAL ALTERNATIVE SCALE - PARTY I (OPTIONAL) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES: In most national contexts, the left-right dimension will be the single best ideological summary of the current issue conflicts in a society. Where this is known not to be the case, a more pertinent dimension of ideological conflict (like the independence-integration dimension in Taiwan) might be used in addition to the left-right placement scales. So where left-right is not considered meaningful/important/widely understood, IN ADDITION TO ASKING THE LEFT-RIGHT QUESTION, the collaborator has the option of also administering a second scale (of 11 points: 0-10) which is thought to best summarize the main ideological division in the country. The parties evaluated in this question set should be the same parties as were asked about in question set Q15a-Q15i. For studies in which showcards are used, collaborators should consider using a showcard for this question. .................................................................. TEXT: In politics people sometimes talk of [SCALE VALUE AT POINT 0] and [SCALE VALUE AT POINT 10]. Where would you place [PARTY A] on a scale from 0 to 10 where 0 means [SCALE VALUE AT POINT 0] and 10 means [SCALE VALUE AT POINT 10]? Using the same scale, where would you place [PARTY B]? Where would you place [PARTY C]? Where would you place [PARTY D]? Where would you place [PARTY E]? Where would you place [PARTY F]? .................................................................. 00. [SCALE VALUE AT POINT 0] 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. [SCALE VALUE AT POINT 10] 95. VOLUNTEERED: HAVEN'T HEARD OF [SCALE] 96. VOLUNTEERED: HAVEN'T HEARD OF PARTY 97. VOLUNTEERED: REFUSED 98. VOLUNTEERED: DON'T KNOW WHERE TO PLACE 99. MISSING --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q20. >>> OPTIONAL ALTERNATIVE SCALE - SELF --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES: In most national contexts, the left-right dimension will be the single best ideological summary of the current issue conflicts in a society. Where this is known not to be the case a more pertinent dimension of ideological conflict (like the independence-integration dimension in Taiwan) might be used in addition to the left-right placement scales. So where left-right is not considered meaningful/important/widely understood, IN ADDITION TO ASKING THE LEFT-RIGHT QUESTION, the collaborator has the option of also administering a second scale (of 11 points: 0-10) which is thought to best summarize the main ideological division in the country. For studies in which showcards are used, collaborators should consider using a showcard for this question. .................................................................. TEXT: Where would you place yourself on this scale? .................................................................. 00. [SCALE VALUE AT POINT 0] 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. [SCALE VALUE AT POINT 10] 95. VOLUNTEERED: HAVEN'T HEARD OF [SCALE] 97. VOLUNTEERED: REFUSED 98. VOLUNTEERED: DON'T KNOW WHERE TO PLACE 99. MISSING --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q21. >>> SATISFACTION WITH DEMOCRATIC PROCESS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEXT: On the whole, are you very satisfied, fairly satisfied, not very satisfied, or not at all satisfied with the way democracy works in [COUNTRY]? .................................................................. 1. VERY SATISFIED 2. FAIRLY SATISFIED 4. NOT VERY SATISFIED 5. NOT AT ALL SATISFIED 7. VOLUNTEERED: REFUSED 8. VOLUNTEERED: DON'T KNOW 9. MISSING --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q22a. >>> ARE YOU CLOSE TO ANY POLITICAL PARTY --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES: This question set (Q22a/Q22b/Q22c/Q22d) are the last questions in this section. When a skip instruction indicates "GO TO QUESTION AFTER Q22d" this means to skip the remaining questions in the Q22a/Q22b/Q22c/Q22d set and proceed to the next section of the survey. .................................................................. TEXT: Do you usually think of yourself as close to any particular party? .................................................................. 1. YES -> GO TO Q22c 5. NO 7. VOLUNTEERED: REFUSED 8. VOLUNTEERED: DON'T KNOW 9. MISSING --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q22b. >>> DO YOU FEEL CLOSER TO ONE PARTY --------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEXT: Do you feel yourself a little closer to one of the political parties than the others? .................................................................. 1. YES 5. NO -> GO TO QUESTION AFTER Q22d 7. VOLUNTEERED: REFUSED -> GO TO QUESTION AFTER Q22d 8. VOLUNTEERED: DON'T KNOW -> GO TO QUESTION AFTER Q22d 9. MISSING --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q22c. >>> WHICH PARTY DO YOU FEEL CLOSEST TO --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES: Only respondents who answered "YES" at Q22a or Q22b should receive this question. Other respondents should be coded as MISSING for this question. .................................................................. TEXT: Which party do you feel closest to? .................................................................. 01-95. [PLEASE PROVIDE PARTY CODES] 97. VOLUNTEERED: REFUSED -> GO TO QUESTION AFTER Q22d 98. VOLUNTEERED: DON'T KNOW -> GO TO QUESTION AFTER Q22d 99. MISSING --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q22d. >>> DEGREE OF CLOSENESS TO THIS PARTY --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES: Only respondents who mentioned a party at Q22c should receive this question. Other respondents should be coded as MISSING for this question. .................................................................. TEXT: Do you feel very close to this party, somewhat close, or not very close? .................................................................. 1. VERY CLOSE 2. SOMEWHAT CLOSE 3. NOT VERY CLOSE 7. VOLUNTEERED: REFUSED 8. VOLUNTEERED: DON'T KNOW 9. MISSING =========================================================================== ))) CSES MODULE 5 QUESTIONNAIRE: DEMOGRAPHIC VARIABLES =========================================================================== NOTES: Collaborators are asked to provide data on background (demographic) characteristics of respondents, coded to an agreed upon set of standards as indicated in this section. There is great international variation in the ways that collaborators will go about soliciting information on the background characteristics of their respondents. The objective here is not standardization of the way collaborators ask these background questions, but instead, standardization to a common, cross-national scheme for coding each variable. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- D01a. >>> DATE OF BIRTH OF RESPONDENT - MONTH D01b. >>> DATE OF BIRTH OF RESPONDENT - YEAR --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES: These variables should report the month of birth, and year of birth, of the respondent. .................................................................. MONTH 01. JANUARY 02. FEBRUARY 03. MARCH 04. APRIL 05. MAY 06. JUNE 07. JULY 08. AUGUST 09. SEPTEMBER 10. OCTOBER 11. NOVEMBER 12. DECEMBER 99. MISSING YEAR 1800-2021. YEAR 9999. MISSING --------------------------------------------------------------------------- D02. >>> GENDER --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES: This item should report the gender of the respondent. .................................................................. 1. MALE 2. FEMALE 5. OTHER 7. VOLUNTEERED: REFUSED 9. MISSING --------------------------------------------------------------------------- D03. >>> EDUCATION --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES: This item should report the respondent's highest level of education that has been completed. Please classify respondents according to UNESCO's 2011 International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED 2011). An English-language description of the ISCED 2011 standard can be found here: http://www.uis.unesco.org/Education/Documents/isced-2011-en.pdf .................................................................. 96. NONE (NO EDUCATION) 01. ISCED LEVEL 0 - EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION 02. ISCED LEVEL 1 - PRIMARY 03. ISCED LEVEL 2 - LOWER SECONDARY 04. ISCED LEVEL 3 - UPPER SECONDARY 05. ISCED LEVEL 4 - POST-SECONDARY NON-TERTIARY 06. ISCED LEVEL 5 - SHORT-CYCLE TERTIARY 07. ISCED LEVEL 6 - BACHELOR OR EQUIVALENT 08. ISCED LEVEL 7 - MASTER OR EQUIVALENT 09. ISCED LEVEL 8 - DOCTORAL OR EQUIVALENT 97. VOLUNTEERED: REFUSED 98. VOLUNTEERED: DON'T KNOW 99. MISSING --------------------------------------------------------------------------- D04. >>> MARITAL OR CIVIL UNION STATUS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES: This variable reports the respondent's current marital or civil union status. For instance, a person who is both divorced and living as married would be coded 1. .................................................................. 1. MARRIED OR LIVING TOGETHER AS MARRIED 2. WIDOWED 3. DIVORCED OR SEPARATED (MARRIED BUT SEPARATED / NOT LIVING WITH LEGAL SPOUSE) 4. SINGLE, NEVER MARRIED 7. VOLUNTEERED: REFUSED 8. VOLUNTEERED: DON'T KNOW 9. MISSING --------------------------------------------------------------------------- D05. >>> UNION MEMBERSHIP --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES: This item should indicate whether or not the respondent is a member of a union. .................................................................. 1. R IS MEMBER OF A UNION 2. R IS NOT A MEMBER OF A UNION 7. VOLUNTEERED: REFUSED 8. VOLUNTEERED: DON'T KNOW 9. MISSING --------------------------------------------------------------------------- D06. >>> CURRENT EMPLOYMENT STATUS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES: This item should indicate the respondent's current employment status. Respondents who are temporarily unemployed are coded UNEMPLOYED. Respondents on "workfare" or enrolled in a government job training program are coded EMPLOYED. .................................................................. IN LABOR FORCE: 01. EMPLOYED - FULL TIME (32 OR MORE HOURS WEEKLY) 02. EMPLOYED - PART TIME (15 TO LESS THAN 32 HOURS WEEKLY) 03. EMPLOYED - LESS THAN 15 HOURS 04. HELPING FAMILY MEMBER 05. UNEMPLOYED NOT IN LABOR FORCE: 06. STUDENT, IN SCHOOL, IN VOCATIONAL TRAINING 07. RETIRED 08. HOUSEWIFE, HOMEMAKER, HOME DUTIES 09. PERMANENTLY DISABLED 10. OTHERS, NOT IN LABOR FORCE 97. VOLUNTEERED: REFUSED 98. VOLUNTEERED: DON'T KNOW 99. MISSING --------------------------------------------------------------------------- D07. >>> MAIN OCCUPATION --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES: This item should report the respondent's main occupation, that is, the job at which the respondent spends most of the time or if the respondent spends an equal amount of time on two jobs, it is the one from which the respondent earns the most money. For respondents who are currently employed, this variable reports their current occupation. For respondents who are retired or not currently working, code last occupation. Please classify respondents according to the TWO-digit version of the 2008 International Standard Classification of Occupations (ISCO-08). An English-language description of the ISCO-08 standard can be found here: http:// www.ilo.org/public/english/bureau/stat/isco/docs/resol08.pdf .................................................................. ISCO-08 Two Digit Classification System: MANAGERS 11. Chief executives, senior officials and legislators 12. Administrative and commercial managers 13. Production and specialized services managers 14. Hospitality, retail and other services managers PROFESSIONALS 21. Science and engineering professionals 22. Health professionals 23. Teaching professionals 24. Business and administration professionals 25. Information and communications technology professionals 26. Legal, social and cultural professionals TECHNICIANS AND ASSOCIATE PROFESSIONALS 31. Science and engineering associate professionals 32. Health associate professionals 33. Business and administration associate professionals 34. Legal, social, cultural and related associate professionals 35. Information and communications technicians CLERICAL SUPPORT WORKERS 41. General and keyboard clerks 42. Customer services clerks 43. Numerical and material recording clerks 44. Other clerical support workers SERVICE AND SALES WORKERS 51. Personal service workers 52. Sales workers 53. Personal care workers 54. Protective services workers SKILLED AGRICULTURAL, FORESTRY AND FISHERY WORKERS 61. Market-oriented skilled agricultural workers 62. Market-oriented skilled forestry, fishing and hunting workers 63. Subsistence farmers, fishers, hunters and gatherers CRAFT AND RELATED TRADES WORKERS 71. Building and related trades workers, excluding electricians 72. Metal, machinery and related trades workers 73. Handicraft and printing workers 74. Electrical and electronic trades workers 75. Food processing, wood working, garment and other craft and related trades workers PLANT AND MACHINE OPERATORS, AND ASSEMBLERS 81. Stationary plant and machine operators 82. Assemblers 83. Drivers and mobile plant operators ELEMENTARY OCCUPATIONS 91. Cleaners and helpers 92. Agricultural, forestry and fishery laborers 93. Laborers in mining, construction, manufacturing and transport 94. Food preparation assistants 95. Street and related sales and service workers 96. Refuse workers and other elementary workers ARMED FORCES OCCUPATIONS 01. Commissioned armed forces officers 02. Non-commissioned armed forces officers 03. Armed forces occupations, other ranks --------------------------------------------------------------------------- D07a. >>> SOCIO ECONOMIC STATUS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES: This item should report the respondent's socio economic status. The categories are intended to distinguish among the following groups: 01. White collar: broad occupational grouping of workers engaged in non-manual labor: Managers, salaried professionals, office workers, sales personnel, and proprietors are generally included in the category. 02. Worker: broad occupational grouping of workers engaged in manual labor. 03. Farmer: Normally persons self-employed in farming. 04. Self-employed: Self-employed occupations of all kinds, excluding self-employed farming. Included, for example, are entrepreneurs, shop keepers, professionals like lawyers, medical doctors, etc. .................................................................. 1. WHITE COLLAR 2. WORKER 3. FARMER 4. SELF-EMPLOYED 7. VOLUNTEERED: REFUSED 8. VOLUNTEERED: DON'T KNOW 9. MISSING --------------------------------------------------------------------------- D08. >>> EMPLOYMENT TYPE - PUBLIC OR PRIVATE --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES: This item should report whether respondent's employment is in the public, private, mixed or non-profit sector. .................................................................. 1. PUBLIC SECTOR 2. PRIVATE SECTOR 3. MIXED 4. "THIRD SECTOR"/NON-PROFIT SECTOR 7. VOLUNTEERED: REFUSED 8. VOLUNTEERED: DON'T KNOW 9. MISSING --------------------------------------------------------------------------- D09. >>> HOUSEHOLD INCOME --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES: This item should report the annual household income for the respondent's household. In previous modules of the CSES, we asked that this variable be provided in quintiles. We are no longer asking for this. We are now instead asking for collaborators to provide the original, raw data for household income in whatever format that the information was collected. If the information was collected using multiple questions, please provide the data for all of the original questions. When providing this information to CSES, please identify which currency was used (for example "Euros," "Thai Bhat," et cetera). Please also include codes for "VOLUNTEERED: REFUSED," "VOLUNTEERED: DON'T KNOW," and "MISSING," as appropriate. .................................................................. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- D10. >>> RELIGIOUS DENOMINATION --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES: This item should report the respondent's religious denomination. Collaborators, please offer "NONE" as an option for respondents. This appears below as code 8300. .................................................................. CHRISTIANITY 1000. CHRISTIAN (NO DENOMINATION GIVEN) CATHOLIC 1101. ROMAN CATHOLIC 1102. EASTERN (GREEK RITE) CATHOLIC CHURCHES 1199. CATHOLIC, OTHER [SEE ELECTION STUDY NOTES] PROTESTANT 1200. PROTESTANT, NO DENOMINATION GIVEN 1201. ADVENTIST 1203. BAPTIST 1204. CONGREGATIONAL 1205. EUROPEAN FREE CHURCH (ANABAPTISTS, MENNONITES) 1206. HOLINESS 1207. FUNDAMENTALIST 1208. LUTHERAN 1209. METHODIST 1210. PENTECOSTAL 1211. PRESBYTERIAN 1212. CALVINIST 1213. SALVATION ARMY/SALVATIONIST 1214. CHRISTIAN BRETHEN 1215. CHURCHES OF CHRIST 1216. REFORMED CHURCHES 1217. PROTESTANT CHURCH OF THE NETHERLANDS 1298. PROTESTANT, OTHER [SEE ELECTION STUDY NOTES] 1299. PROTESTANT, OTHER [SEE ELECTION STUDY NOTES] ANGLICAN 1300. EPISCOPALIAN, ANGLICAN, CHURCH OF ENGLAND, CHURCH OF IRELAND INDEPENDENTS-NON-AFFILIATED 1401. INDEPENDENT-FUNDAMENTALIST 1410. APOSTOLIC 1420. UNITED CHURCHES 1499. INDEPENDENT, OTHER [SEE ELECTION STUDY NOTES] NON-TRADITIONAL PROTESTANTS 1501. CHRISTIAN SCIENTISTS 1502. MORMONS, CHURCH OF LATTER DAY SAINTS 1503. UNITARIAN UNIVERSALISTS 1504. JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES 1599. NON-TRADITIONAL PROTESTANT, OTHER [SEE ELECTION STUDY NOTES] ORTHODOX 1600. EASTERN ORTHODOX 1699. ORTHODOX, OTHER [SEE ELECTION STUDY NOTES] JEWISH 2000. JEWISH ISLAM 3000. MUSLIM; MOHAMMEDAN; ISLAM (NO DENOMINATION GIVEN) 3100. SUNNI 3200. SHI'ISM 3210. ISMA'ILIS 3211. DRUSE BUDDHISM 4000. BUDDHIST 4100. THERAVADA 4200. MAHAYANA HINDUISM AND OTHER RELIGIONS OF INDIA 5000. HINDU 5010. PARSIISM 5020. VAISHNAVISM 5030. SHAIVISM 5040. SHAKTISM 5500. JAINISM 5600. SIKHISM INDIGENOUS RELIGIONS OF EAST ASIA 6100. CONFUCIANISM 6200. TAOISM 6300. SHINTO 6400. NEW RELIGIONSISTS 6401. I-KUAN-TAO 6500. TRADITIONAL FOLK BELIEF/NICHIREN SHSHU ETHNORELIGIONS/OTHER BELIEVER 7100. PAGAN, HEATHEN, TRIBAL RELIGIONSIST, TRADITIONAL RELIGIONIST, ANIMISM, SHAMANISM 7110. RATANA, MAORI 7200. SPIRITISM 7500. BAHAI 7900. EHTNORELIGIONIST, OTHER [SEE ELECTION STUDY NOTES] 7901. EHTNORELIGIONIST, OTHER [SEE ELECTION STUDY NOTES] NON BELIEVERS 8100. AGNOSTIC 8200. ATHEIST 8300. NONE 9600. OTHER: NOT SPECIFIED 9997. VOLUNTEERED: REFUSED 9998. VOLUNTEERED: DON'T KNOW 9999. MISSING --------------------------------------------------------------------------- D11. >>> RELIGIOUS SERVICES ATTENDANCE --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES: This variable should report the frequency with which the respondent attends religious services. The response should exclude special occasions such as weddings and funerals. .................................................................. 1. NEVER 2. ONCE A YEAR 3. TWO TO ELEVEN TIMES A YEAR 4. ONCE A MONTH 5. TWO OR MORE TIMES A MONTH 6. ONCE A WEEK/MORE THAN ONCE A WEEK 7. VOLUNTEERED: REFUSED 8. VOLUNTEERED: DON'T KNOW 9. MISSING --------------------------------------------------------------------------- D12. >>> RACE --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES: This item should report the respondent's race. The item should be coded according to national standards. .................................................................. 001-996. [PLEASE PROVIDE RACE CODE LABELS] 997. VOLUNTEERED: REFUSED 998. VOLUNTEERED: DON'T KNOW 999. MISSING --------------------------------------------------------------------------- D13. >>> ETHNICITY --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES: This variable reports the ethnic identity of respondents. .................................................................. 001-996. [PLEASE PROVIDE ETHNICITY CODE LABELS] 997. VOLUNTEERED: REFUSED 998. VOLUNTEERED: DON'T KNOW 999. MISSING --------------------------------------------------------------------------- D14. >>> COUNTRY OF BIRTH --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES: This item should indicate the respondent's country of birth. .................................................................. 001-996. [COUNTRY OF BIRTH] 997. VOLUNTEERED: REFUSED 998. VOLUNTEERED: DON'T KNOW 999. MISSING --------------------------------------------------------------------------- D15. >>> WAS EITHER BIOLOGICAL PARENT BORN OUTSIDE OF THE COUNTRY --------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEXT: Was either or both of your parents born outside of [COUNTRY]? .................................................................. HELP: If the respondent expresses any uncertainty, the interviewer can clarify that we are asking about biological parents by using a phrase such as "that is, your biological parents". .................................................................. 1. YES 5. NO 7. VOLUNTEERED: REFUSED 8. VOLUNTEERED: DON'T KNOW 9. MISSING --------------------------------------------------------------------------- D16. >>> LANGUAGE USUALLY SPOKEN AT HOME --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES: This variable reports the language usually spoken in the respondent's household. If more than one language is spoken at home, this variable should report the language spoken most of the time. .................................................................. 001. AFRIKAANS 002. ALBANIAN, ARVANITIKA 003. ALBANIAN, GHEG 004. ALBANIAN, TOSK 005. ALLEMANNISCH 006. ALSATIAN 007. ARABIC, JUDEO-MOROCCAN 008. ARABIC, LEVANTINE (ISRAEL) 009. ARMENIAN 201. ASHANTI (GHANA) 237. ASYRIAN 010. AVAR (RUSSIA) 011. AWADHI (INDIA) 012. AYMARA, CENTRAL (ARGENTINA, PERU) 231. AZERI 013. BASQUE 234. BALKAR 014. BELORUSSIAN 015. BEMBA (ZAMBIA) 016. BENGALI, BANGLADESHI, BANGLA (INDIA) 017. BHOJPURI (INDIA) 244. BICOLANO (PHILIPPINES) 265. BISAYA (PHILIPPINES) 270. B'LAAN (PHILIPPINES) 202. BLUCH (PAKISTAN) 263. BOHOLANO (PHILIPPINES) 018. BOSNIAN 019. BRETON 020. BULGARIAN 260. CAGAYANO (PHILIPPINES) 258. CANTILAGNON (PHILIPPINES) 273. CAPIZNON (PHILIPPINES) 021. CATALAN 241. CEBUANO (PHILIPPINES) 276. CENTRAL THAI 022. CHECHEN (RUSSIA) 203. CHINESE, CANTONESE 023. CHINESE, HAKKA 024. CHINESE, MANDARIN 025. CHINESE, MIN NAN 026. CHUVASH (RUSSIA) 027. CROATIAN 028. CZECH 029. DANISH 030. DECCAN (INDIA) 204. DORIC (SCOTLAND) 031. DUTCH 032. ENGLISH 033. ERZYA (RUSSIA) 205. ESAN (NIGERIA) 034. ESTONIAN 206. EWE (GHANA) 209. FARSI (IRAN) 035. FINNISH 036. FRENCH 037. FRISIAN, WESTERN (NETHERLANDS) 038. FULACUNDA (SENEGAL) 207. GA (GHANA) 039. GAELIC, IRISH 208. GAELIC (SCOTLAND) 040. GAGAUZ (MOLDOVA) 041. GALICIAN 042. GASCON 043. GEORGIAN 044. GERMAN, STANDARD 045. GREEK 046. GUARANI, PARAGUAYAN 047. GUJARATI (SOUTH AFRICA, INDIA) 048. HEBREW 266. HIGAONON (PHILIPPINES) 274. HILIGAYNON (PHILIPPINES) 049. HUNGARIAN 051. HINDI 050. ICELANDIC 259. IFUGAO (PHILIPPINES) 242. ILOCANO (PHILIPPINES) 243. ILONGGO (PHILIPPINES) 210. INDONESIAN 211. IRANIAN 254. IRANUN (PHILIPPINES) 278. ISAN THAI 052. ITALIAN 249. ITAWES (PHILIPPINES) 212. IWO (UGANDA) 053. JAKATI (MOLDOVA) 213. JAMAICAN PATOIS 275. JAMINDANON (PHILIPPINES) 054. JAPANESE 280. KAMAE (THAILAND) 257. KAMAYO (PHILIPPINES) 055. KANNADA (INDIA) 056. KAONDE (ZAMBIA) 245. KAPAMPANGAN (PHILIPPINES) 057. KARAIM (LITHUANIA) 261. KARAY-AY (PHILIPPINES) 233. KARBADIN 058. KIRMANJKI (TURKEY) 235. KOMI 279. KORATCH (THAILAND) 066. KOREAN 232. KURDISH 059. KURMANJI (TURKEY) 060. LADINO (ISRAEL) 061. LALA-BISA (ZAMBIA) 062. LAMBA (ZAMBIA) 277. LANNA THAI 063. LATVIAN 064. LENJE (ZAMBIA) 065. LESSER ANTILLEAN CREOLE 268. LEYTENO (PHILIPPINES) 067. LIGURIAN 068. LITHUANIAN 069. LOMBARD 070. LOZI (ZAMBIA) 071. LUNDA (ZAMBIA) 072. LUVALE (ZAMBIA) 073. MACEDONIAN 251. MAGUINDANAON (PHILIPPINES) 074. MAITHILI (INDIA) 229. MALLORQUIN 267. MALAUEG (PHILIPPINES) 075. MALAY 076. MALAYALAM (INDIA) 077. MALINKE (SENEGAL) 214. MALTESE 253. MANOBO (PHILIPPINES) 250. MASBATENO (PHILIPPINES) 215. MENDE (SIERRA LEONE) 216. MIRPUARY/MIRPUIR (PAKISTAN) 217. MNADINGGO (GAMBIA) 078. MAMBWE-LUNGU (ZAMBIA) 079. MANDINKA (SENEGAL) 080. MAORI 081. MAPUDUNGUN (CHILE) 082. MARATHI (INDIA) 083. MBOWE (ZAMBIA) 084. MINGRELIAN (GEORGIA) 085. MONTENEGRIAN 255. MUSLIM (PHILIPPINES) 086. MWANGA (ZAMBIA) 087. NEAPOLITAN-CALABRESE 088. NORWEGIAN 089. NSENGA (ZAMBIA) 090. NYANJA (ZAMBIA) 091. NYIHA (ZAMBIA) 092. ORIYA (INDIA) 093. OSETIN (GEORGIA) 218. PAHARI (PAKISTAN) 246. PANGASINENSE (PHILIPPINES) 094. PANJABI, EASTERN (INDIA) 236. PERSIAN 095. PIEMONTESE 096. POLISH 097. PORTUGUESE 098. PROVENCAL 248. PULANGI-ON (PHILIPPINES) 219. PUSHTO (PAKISTAN) 099. QUECHUA, ANCASH, HUAYLAS 100. QUECHUA, SOUTH BOLIVIAN (ARGENTINA) 101. QUECH UA, AYACUCHO 102. QUICHUA, HIGHLAND, IMBABURA 103. ROMANI, BALKAN 104. ROMANI, CARPATHIAN 105. ROMANI, VLACH 106. RUMANIAN 107. RUMANIAN, ISTRO 108. RUMANIAN, MACEDO 109. RUSSIAN 110. SARDINIAN, LOGUDORESE 220. SARAKI (PAKISTAN) 111. SCHWYZERDUTSCH (SWITZERLAND) 112. SERB 113. SERBO-CROATIAN 114. SERERE-SINE (SENEGAL) 264. SIBANIN (PHILIPPINES) 115. SICILIAN 116. SINDHI (SINGAPORE, INDIA) 272. SIPIANON (PHILIPPINES) 117. SLOVAK 118. SLOVENIAN 221. SOMALI 262. SORIGAONON (PHILIPPINES) 119. SOTHO, NORTHERN (SOUTH AFRICA) 120. SOTHO, SOUTHERN (SOUTH AFRICA) 281. SOUTHERN THAI 121. SPANISH 222. SWAHILI 122. SWATI (SOUTH AFRICA) 123. SWEDISH 240. TAGALOG (PHILIPPINES) 256. TAGON-ON (PHILIPPINES) 124. TAMIL (INDIA) 125. TATAR (RUSSIA) 269. T'BOLI (PHILIPPINES) 126. TELUGU (INDIA) 127. TIBETAN 128. TICANESE (SWITZERLAND) 252. TIRURAY (PHILIPPINES_ 129. TONGA (ZAMBIA) 130. TOUCOULEUR (SENEGAL) 131. TSONGA (SOUTH AFRICA) 132. TSWANA (SOUTH AFRICA) 133. TUMBUKA (ZAMBIA) 134. TURKISH 223. TWI (GHANA) 135. UKRAINIAN 224. UGANDAN 230. UDMURT 136. URDU (INDIA) 228. VALENCIANO 225. VIETNAMESE 137. VENETIAN 247. WARAY (PHILIPPINES) 139. WELSH 140. WOLOF (SENEGAL) 138. XHOSA (SOUTH AFRICA) 141. YAHUDIC (ISRAEL) 142. YIDDISH 226. YORUBA (NIGERIA) 271. ZAMBAL (PHILIPPINES) 143. ZULU 996. OTHER: NOT SPECIFIED 997. VOLUNTEERED: REFUSED 998. VOLUNTEERED: DON'T KNOW 999. MISSING --------------------------------------------------------------------------- D17. >>> REGION OF RESIDENCE --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES: This variable reports the respondent's region of residence using coding categories not more detailed than the autonomous regions in Spain, or the Laender in Germany. Regions are usually (but not always) based upon the social, cultural, or historical differences (though some correspond to administrative regions) that manifest themselves in political cleavages. .................................................................. 01-80. [PLEASE PROVIDE REGION CODE LABELS] 99. MISSING --------------------------------------------------------------------------- D18. >>> PRIMARY ELECTORAL DISTRICT --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES: This item should indicate the respondent's primary electoral district. Wherever possible, this variable should use official district identification numbers. The goal of this variable, wherever possible, is to identify electoral constituencies, the definition of which is "the smallest unit for which there is representation to the national parliament." In other words, the point at which votes are translated into seats. .................................................................. 00001-90000. [PLEASE PROVIDE DISTRICT CODE VALUE LABELS] 99999. MISSING --------------------------------------------------------------------------- D19. >>> RURAL OR URBAN RESIDENCE --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES: This item should distinguish respondents living in rural and urban regions. Please provide the criteria used to distinguish these different regions. .................................................................. 1. RURAL AREA OR VILLAGE 2. SMALL OR MIDDLE-SIZED TOWN 3. SUBURBS OF LARGE TOWN OR CITY 4. LARGE TOWN OR CITY 7. VOLUNTEERED: REFUSED 8. VOLUNTEERED: DON'T KNOW 9. MISSING --------------------------------------------------------------------------- D20. >>> NUMBER IN HOUSEHOLD --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES: This variable should report the total number of persons in the household - that is, the number of persons living together in the housing unit excluding paid employees and persons who pay for rent for a room. .................................................................. 01-90. NUMBER OF PERSONS 97. VOLUNTEERED: REFUSED 98. VOLUNTEERED: DON'T KNOW 99. MISSING //END OF DOCUMENT