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CSES Module 5: 2016-2021 Errata

CSES Module 5 Fourth Advance Release: March 1, 2022, Version

The Fourth Advance Release of CSES Module 5 of March 1, 2021, contains additions, updates, and improvements to the Third Advance Release of July 20, 2021. Please do not use files from the previous release with files from the current version. Variable names and attributes, as well as the data, have sometimes been changed.

Ten new election studies have been added to the file, bringing the number of election studies included in Module 5 to 41 in total. The studies added to the Fourth Advance Release Dataset in alphabetical order are: Denmark (2019), Israel (2020), Japan (2017), Netherlands (2017), New Zealand (2020), Slovakia (2020), Thailand (2019), Tunisia (2019), United States (2020) and Uruguay (2019).

Below, we provide a list of some of the primary changes and corrections to previously released Module 5 data. Users are advised that this list is not comprehensive but instead highlights the main modifications both to the data and documentation since the previous release.


The following administrative variables have been added to the dataset:

  • E1009_P1 (ID COMPONENT – WHETHER RESPONDENT COMPLETED CSES MODULE MULTIPLE TIMES IN PANEL STUDY): Variable classifying whether or not a respondent completed a CSES Module multiple times in a panel study.
  • E1009_P2 (ID COMPONENT – PANEL ID FOR RESPONDENTS THAT COMPLETED CSES MODULE MULTIPLE TIMES IN PANEL STUDY): Variable providing panel respondent IDs for respondents who completed CSES Module 5 multiple times in a panel study.
  • E1038 (STUDY TIMING WITH RESPECT TO COVID-19 PANDEMIC): Variable specifying whether an election study was conducted entirely before, before and during, or entirely during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The following micro-level variables have been added to the dataset:

  • E3012 (TURNOUT: MAIN ELECTION): A derivative variable created by the CSES Secretariat based on respondent’s reported turnout in the current main election. In case of a single election taking place, e.g., a lower house election only, E3012 reports the turnout decision for that particular election as indicated in E3012_PR_1, E3012_LH or E3012_UH. In cases where multiple elections took place, e.g., a presidential and a lower house election, this variable reports the turnout decision in the main election. Classification of the Main Election can be found on the Turnout and Vote Choice Data Overview Page.

To facilitate data bridging with other common datasets in the political and social sciences in line with CSES’ commitment to Data Bridging, the following variables have been added to the dataset:

  • E5202_A-I CHAPEL HILL EXPERT SURVEY (CHES) IDENTIFIER -PARTY A-I: Party identification codes from the Chapel Hill Expert Survey (CHES) project, provided for parties that are assigned an alphabetical code (A-I) to facilitate data bridging between CSES and CHES.
  • E5203_A-I PARTY FACTS IDENTIFIER – PARTY A-I: Party identification codes from the Party Facts project, provided for parties that are assigned an alphabetical code (A-I) to facilitate data bridging between CSES and other data sources linked with Party Facts.

The following additional corrections have been made to the dataset:

  • E2019 (LANDUAGE USUALLY SPOKEN AT HOME): The following changes to E2019 have been included for New Zealand (2017): One respondent was previously coded “984. SEE ELECTION STUDY NOTES” in E2019 for New Zealand (2017). In this release, the respondent is coded “983. SEE ELECTION STUDY NOTES”, with code 983 referring to “Nepali”. Further, five respondents previously coded “985. SEE ELECTION STUDY NOTES” are coded “984. SEE ELECTION STUDY NOTES” in this release for New Zealand (2017), with the code referring to “Samoan”.
  • E2021 (PRIMARY ELECTORAL DISTRICT): For Belgium-Flanders (2019) and Belgium-Wallonia (2019), a total of 57 respondents were previously incorrectly coded “9999” in E2021. In this release, these miscodes are corrected and these respondents are recoded into “99999. Missing”.
  • E2021 (PRIMARY ELECTORAL DISTRICT): The label for the code previously reading as “99996. Nationwide District – Presidential Election” has been updated. The reference to Presidential elections has been removed, and the label now reads as “99996. Nationwide District”, clarifying that the code refers to all polities operating nationwide districts, irrespective of election type.
  • E2021 (PRIMARY ELECTORAL DISTRICT): For Montenegro (2016), all respondents were previously incorrectly coded “1” in E2021. In this release this miscode is corrected, and these respondents are recoded into “99996. Nationwide District”.
  • E3012_UH (CURRENT UPPER HOUSE ELECTION: DID RESPONDENT CAST A BALLOT) was previously incorrectly coded as “96. Not Applicable: No Upper House Election” for Costa Rica (2018). In this release, this miscode is corrected and Costa Rica (2018) is recoded to “95. Not Applicable: Unicameral System”.
  • E3013_UH_PL (CURRENT UPPER HOUSE ELECTION: VOTE CHOICE – PARTY LIST) and E3013_UH_DC_ (CURRENT UPPER HOUSE ELECTION: VOTE CHOICE – DISTRICT CANDIDATE) were previously incorrectly coded as “999996. Not Applicable: No Upper House Election or Candidate Vote” for Costa Rica (2018). In this release, this miscode is corrected and Costa (2018) is recoded to “999995. Not Applicable: Unicameral System”.
  • E3013_UH_PF (CURRENT UPPER HOUSE ELECTION: VOTE CHOICE – DISTRICT CANDIDATE) was previously incorrectly coded as “96. Not Applicable: No Upper House Election or Preference Vote System” for Costa Rica (2018). In this release, this miscode is corrected and Costa Rica (2018) is recoded to “95. Not Applicable: Unicameral System”.
  • E3013_OUTGOV (CURRENT MAIN ELECTION – VOTE CHOICE – OUTGOING GOVERNMENT (INCUMBENT)) was previously incorrectly coded “999999. Missing” for 27 respondents for Great Britain (2017). In this release, this miscode is corrected, and these respondents are recoded into “999997. Volunteered: Refused” and “999998. Volunteered: Don’t Know”, in accordance with variable E3013_LH_DC (Current Lower House Election: Vote Choice – District Candidate).
  • E3014_UH (PREVIOUS UPPER HOUSE ELECTION: DID RESPONDENT CAST A BALLOT) was previously incorrectly coded as “96. Not Applicable: No Upper House Election” for Costa Rica (2018). In this release, this miscode is corrected and Costa Rica (2018) is recoded to “95. Not Applicable: Unicameral System”.
  • E3015_UH_PL (PREVIOUS UPPER HOUSE ELECTION: VOTE CHOICE – PARTY LIST) and E3015_UH_DC_ (PREVIOUS UPPER HOUSE ELECTION: VOTE CHOICE – DISTRICT CANDIDATE) were previously incorrectly coded as “999996. Not Applicable: No Upper House Election or Candidate Vote” for Costa Rica (2018). In this release, this miscode is corrected and Costa (2018) is recoded to “999995. Not Applicable: Unicameral System”.
  • E4004_G_N (PERCENT VOTE IN DISTRICT – PARTY G -NATIONWIDE ELECTORAL DISTRICT) – E4004_I_N (PERCENT VOTE IN DISTRICT – PARTY I – NATIONWIDE ELECTORAL DISTRICT) were previously incorrectly coded “999. Missing” for respondents from Australia 2019 and Turkey 2018. In this release, these miscodes are corrected, and these respondents are recoded into “997. Not Applicable: No Nationwide District”.
  • E4005_G_N (SEATS IN DISTRICT- PARTY G -NATIONWIDE ELECTORAL DISTRICT) – E4005_I_N (SEATS IN DISTRICT- PARTY I -NATIONWIDE ELECTORAL DISTRICT) were previously incorrectly coded “999. Missing” for respondents from Australia 2019, Germany 2017 and Turkey 2018. In this release, these miscodes are corrected, and these respondents are recoded into “997. Not Applicable: No Nationwide District”.
  • E5040_2 (VOTES CAST – LOWER – 2ND SEGMENT (TIER)) was previously incorrectly coded “97. Not Applicable” for all respondents from Sweden (2018). In this release, this miscode is corrected, and these respondents are recoded into “91. 0ther [See Election Study Notes]” to highlight to users there is a second segment/tier but that voters only cast one ballot.
  • E5105_1 (NET MIGRATION RATE 2000-2005): Data for United States (2016) has now been added to the dataset.
  • E5105_2 (NET MIGRATION RATE 2005-2010): Data for United States (2016) has now been added to the dataset.
  • E5105_3 (NET MIGRATION RATE 2010-2015): Data for United States (2016) has now been added to the dataset.
  • E5105_4 (NET MIGRATION RATE 2015-2020): Data for United States (2016) has now been added to the dataset.


  • CODEBOOK PART 2: A brief explanation of the CSES Module 5 convention on availability of aggregate level macro data in advance releases has been added to several macro variables variable notes in the Codebook. This specifies that there is normally a two or three year time lag between these estimates becoming available. Consequently, for Advance Releases of the CSES (and possibly Full Releases), data may not be available at the time of coding. In circumstances where this occurs, the polity will be listed as DATA UNAVAILABLE in the VARIABLE NOTES below. Should data become available between an Advance Release of CSES and a Full Release of CSES, data for these polities may be included in a subsequent release of the CSES.
  • CODEBOOK PART 2 – E1027 (DURATION OF INTERVIEW): An Election Study Note (ESN) has been added to E1027 to explain to users why 15 interviews in the Finnish 2019 study are significantly longer than the average duration.
  • CODEBOOK PART 2 – E2009 (EMPLOYMENT TYPE – PUBLIC OR PRIVATE): An Election Study Note (ESN) has been added to E2009 for Portugal (2019) informing users as to how codes from the original Portuguese study were mapped to the CSES coding scheme for E2009.
  • CODEBOOK PART 2 – E2018 (WAS EITHER BIOLOGICAL PARENT BORN OUTSIDE OF THE COUNTRY): An Election Study Note ESN) has been added to E2018 for Portugal (2019) informing users as to how codes from the original Portuguese study were mapped to the CSES coding scheme for E2018.
  • CODEBOOK PART 2 – E3012_LH (CURRENT LOWER HOUSE ELECTION: DID RESPONDENT CAST A BALLOT): The Election Study Note (ESN) for Portugal (2019) has been updated for E3012_LH informing users about how codes from the original Portuguese study were mapped to the CSES coding scheme for E3012_LH.
  • CODEBOOK PART 3 – E5200_ (MARPOR/ CMP IDENTIFIER) and E5201_ (PARLGOV IDENTIFIER): For the Finnish 2019 study, Parties D, E, F and G were listed incorrectly in the table. In this release, these errors have now been corrected, such that party orderings in the table now reflect alphabetic party codes in the Module 5 dataset for Finland (2019).

CSES Module 5 Third Advance Release: July 20, 2021 Version

The Third Advance Release of CSES Module 5 of July 20, 2021, contains additions, updates, and improvements to the Second Advance Release of May 14, 2020. Please do not use files from the previous release with files from the current version. Variable names and attributes, as well as the data, have sometimes been changed.

Ten new election studies have been added to the file, bringing the number of election studies included in Module 5 to 31 in total. The studies added to the Third Advance Release Dataset in alphabetical order are: Belgium-Flanders (2019), Belgium-Wallonia (2019), Canada (2019), Costa Rica (2018), Finland (2019), Great Britain (2017), Portugal (2019), Sweden (2018), Switzerland (2019), and Taiwan (2020).

Below, we provide a list of some of the primary changes and corrections to previously released Module 5 data. Users are advised that this list is not comprehensive but instead highlights the main modifications both to the data and documentation since the previous release.


The following administrative variables to facilitate data bridging with other common datasets in the political and social sciences in line with CSES’ commitment to Data Bridging have been added to the dataset:

  1. E1006_UNAlpha2 (ID COMPONENT – POLITY UN ISO_3166 ALPHABETIC TWO LETTER CODE): Variable classifying a polity by a two-character alphabetical code (e.g., “DE” for Germany).
  2. E1006_REG (ID COMPONENT – POLITY UN GEOGRAPHIC REGIONS NUMERIC CODES): Variable classifying geographical regions based on the United Nations Statistics Division classification.
  3. E1006_OECD (ID COMPONENT – POLITY MEMBER OF OECD): Variable classifying if a polity is or is not a member of the Organization for the Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) at the time of the election.
  4. E1006_EU (ID COMPONENT – POLITY MEMBER OF EUROPEAN UNION): Variable classifying if a polity is or is not a member of the European Union (EU) at the time of the election.
  5. E1006_VDem (ID COMPONENT – V-Dem POLITY IDENTIFIER): Variable classifying polity according to the identifier applied by the Varieties of Democracy (V-Dem) project.
  6. E1018_1 (DATE 1ST ROUND ELECTION BEGAN – YYYY-MM-DD): Additional date variable complementing the original date variables in CSES Module 5 (E1016, E1017, and E1018) which brings together year, month, and day of the first-round election within one variable.
  7. E1018_2 (DATE 1ST ROUND ELECTION BEGAN – YYYYMM): Additional date variable complementing the original date variables in CSES Module 5 (E1016, E1017, and E1018) which brings together year and month of the first-round election within one variable.
  8. E1021_1 (DATE 2ND ROUND ELECTION BEGAN – YYYY-MM-DD): Additional date variable complementing the original date variables in CSES Module 5 (E1019, E1020, and E102) which brings together year, month, and day of the second-round election (when applicable) within one variable.
  9. E1021_2 (DATE 2ND ROUND ELECTION BEGAN – YYYYMM): Additional date variable complementing the original date variables in CSES Module 5 (E1019, E1020, and E102) which brings together year and month of the second-round election (when applicable) within one variable.

The following micro-level variables have been added to the dataset:

  1. E3012_TS (TURNOUT: TURNOUT SWITCHER BETWEEN CURRENT ELECTION AND PREVIOUS ELECTION): A derivative variable created by the CSES Secretariat based on respondent’s reported turnout in the current (E3012_PR_1, E3012_PR_2, E3012_LH, E3012_UH) and previous elections (E3014_PR_1, E3014_PR_2, E3014_LH, E3014_UH) classifying if a respondent voted in both elections, voted in only one, or abstained in both.
  2. E3013_VS_1 (VOTE CHOICE: VOTE SWITCHER BETWEEN CURRENT ELECTION AND PREVIOUS ELECTION): A derivative variable created by the CSES Secretariat based on respondent’s reported vote choice in current (E3013_PR_1, E3013_PR_2, E3013_LH_PL, E3013_LH_DC, E3013_UH_PL, E3013_UH_DC_1, E3013_UH_DC_2) and previous (E3015_PR_1, E3015_PR_2, E3015_LH_PL, E3015_LH_DC, E3015_UH_PL, E3015_UH_DC_1, E3015_UH_DC_2) main election, classifying if a respondent voted in both elections for the same party/coalition or if they switched and voted for different party/coalition across the two contests.
  3. E3013_LR_CSES (VOTE CHOICE: CURRENT MAIN ELECTION – VOTE FOR LEFTIST/CENTER/RIGHTIST – CSES): A derivative variable created by the CSES Secretariat based on respondent’s reported vote choice in the main election (E3013_PR_1, E3013_PR_2, E3013_LH_PL, E3013_LH_DC, E3013_UH_PL, E3013_UH_DC_1, E3013_UH_DC_2) and CSES collaborators’ expert judgment of party A-I left-right position (E5018_A – E5018_I), classifying if a respondent voted for leftist, center, or rightist party/coalition.
  4. E3013_IF_CSES (VOTE CHOICE: CURRENT MAIN ELECTION – VOTE CHOICE BY IDEOLOGICAL FAMILY CLASSIFICATION – CSES): A derivative variable created by the CSES Secretariat based on respondent’s reported vote choice in the main election (E3013_PR_1, E3013_PR_2, E3013_LH_PL, E3013_LH_DC, E3013_UH_PL, E3013_UH_DC_1, E3013_UH_DC_2) and CSES collaborators’ expert judgment of party A-I ideological family (E5017_A – E5017_I), classifying party family respondent voted for in the main election.
  5. E3100_LR_CSES (VOTE CHOICE: CURRENT MAIN ELECTION – VOTE CHOICE LINKED WITH CSES COLLABORATOR EXPERT JUDGMENT L-R): A derivative variable created by the CSES Secretariat linking the respondent’s reported vote choice in the main election (E3013_PR_1, E3013_PR_2, E3013_LH_PL, E3013_LH_DC, E3013_UH_PL, E3013_UH_DC_1, E3013_UH_DC_2) and CSES collaborators’ expert judgment of party A-I left-right position (E5018_A – E5018_I), assigning L-R value on a scale from 0 (left) to 10 (right)
  6. E3100_IF_CSES (VOTE CHOICE: CURRENT MAIN ELECTION – VOTE CHOICE LINKED WITH CSES COLLABORATOR EXPERT JUDGMENT IDEOLOGICAL FAMILY): A derivative variable created by the CSES Secretariat linking the respondent’s reported vote choice in the main election (E3013_PR_1, E3013_PR_2, E3013_LH_PL, E3013_LH_DC, E3013_UH_PL, E3013_UH_DC_1, E3013_UH_DC_2) and CSES collaborators’ expert judgment of party A-I ideological family (E5017_A – E5017_I), assigning original ideological family classification.

The following micro-level variables have been added to the dataset:

  1. E5000_L_ (LEADER IDENTIFIER – NUMERICAL): To To allow for easy identification of CSES alphabetical leader codes within the dataset, nine new variables (E5000_L_A to E5000_L_I inclusive) have been added to the dataset which identify the leaders assigned an alphabetical classification by CSES by leader surname, their party affiliation, and their respective polity.

The following data bridging variables facilitating bridging with CSES products have been added to the dataset:

  1. E6000_PR_ (IMD BRIDGING VARIABLE: CURRENT PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION: VOTE CHOICE): This variable reports the respondent’s vote choice for President in the first/second round of election, based on numerical party codes from the CSES Integrated Module Dataset (CSES IMD). By coding vote choice according to IMD standards, E6000_ variables thus ease the appending of the current version of CSES Module 5 to the CSES IMD.
  2. E6000_LH_PL (IMD BRIDGING VARIABLE: CURRENT PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION: VOTE CHOICE: PARTY LIST): This variable reports the respondent’s vote choice for party list in the current Lower House elections, based on numerical party codes from the CSES Integrated Module Dataset (CSES IMD). By coding vote choice according to IMD standards, E6000_ variables thus ease the appending the current version of CSES Module 5 to the CSES IMD.
  3. E6000_LH_DC (IMD BRIDGING VARIABLE: CURRENT PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION: VOTE CHOICE: DISTRICT CANDIDATE): This variable reports the respondent’s vote choice for district candidate in the current Lower House elections, based on numeric party codes from the CSES Integrated Module Dataset (CSES IMD). By coding vote choice according to IMD standards, E6000_ variables thus ease the appending the current version of CSES Module 5 to the CSES IMD.

The following additional corrections have been made to the dataset:

  1. E1027 (DURATION OF INTERVIEW): The missing code “9999. Missing” of variable E1027 was extended by one digit. Hence, all respondents coded “9999. Missing” were recoded to “99999. Missing.” For Norway (2017), 260 respondents were recoded from “9.” to “99999. Missing.”
  2. E1032 (DATE QUESTIONNAIRE ADMINISTERED – MONTH) and E1033 (DATE QUESTIONNAIRE ADMINISTERED – DAY) were previously incorrectly coded for Norway (2017) as it included incorrect data. In this release, these miscodes are corrected and updated data for Norway (2017) has now been added to the dataset.
  3. E1035_1 (DAYS INTERVIEW CONDUCTED POST FIRST ROUND OF ELECTION): Data for Norway (2017) has now been added to the dataset.
  4. E2003 (EDUCATION): Data for Iceland (2016) and Iceland (2017) has now been added to the dataset.
  5. E2006 (CURRENT EMPLOYMENT STATUS) includes two new codes for respondents not in labor force: “11. On Temporary Job Leave” and “12. Civic/ Military Service.” As these two codes were not used in the previous coding scheme of this variable, previously released election studies were recoded. Respondents who were coded “11. See Election Study Notes” have been recoded into “13. See Election Study Notes” and those who were coded “12. See Election Study Notes” have been recoded into “14. See Election Study Notes.”
  6. E2010 (HOUSEHOLD INCOME – QUINTILES) were previously incorrectly coded “9. Missing” for 187 respondents for New Zealand (2017). In this release, this miscode is corrected and these respondents are recoded into “8. Volunteered: Don’t Know”.
  7. E3010_2 (PARTY THAT REPRESENTS RESPONDENT’S VIEWS) and E3024_3 (WHICH PARTY DO YOU FEEL CLOSEST TO) previously included party “276009. DEU – Christian Democratic Union/ Christian Social Union” for Germany (2017). This party has been re-classified to be consistent with previous coding of this party (e.g., the CSES Integrated Module Dataset). In this release, party “276009.” has thus been removed and is recoded to “276001. Christian Democratic Union/ Christian Social Union” for Germany (2017). For further information please see the respective ELECTION STUDY NOTES in the Module 5 Codebook Part 3.
  8. E3013_LH_PL (CURRENT LOWER HOUSE ELECTION: VOTE CHOICE – PARTY LIST) and E3013_LH_DC (CURRENT LOWER HOUSE ELECTION: VOTE CHOICE – DISTRICT CANDIDATE) previously included party “276009. DEU – Christian Democratic Union/ Christian Social Union” for Germany (2017). This party has been re-classified to be consistent with previous coding of this party (e.g., the CSES Integrated Module Dataset). In this release, party “276009.” has thus been removed and is recoded to “276001. Christian Democratic Union/ Christian Social Union” for Germany (2017). For further information please see the respective ELECTION STUDY NOTES in the Module 5 Codebook Part 3.
  9. E3015_LH_PL (PREVIOUS LOWER HOUSE ELECTION: VOTE CHOICE – PARTY LIST) and E3015_LH_DC (PREVIOUS LOWER HOUSE ELECTION: VOTE CHOICE – DISTRICT CANDIDATE) previously included party “276009. DEU – Christian Democratic Union/ Christian Social Union” for Germany (2017). This party has been re-classified to be consistent with previous coding of this party (e.g., the CSES Integrated Module Dataset). In this release, party “276009.” has thus been removed and is recoded to “276001. Christian Democratic Union/ Christian Social Union” for Germany (2017). For further information please see the respective ELECTION STUDY NOTES in the Module 5 Codebook Part 3.
  10. E3013_UH_DC_ (CURRENT UPPER HOUSE ELECTION: VOTE CHOICE – DISTRICT CANDIDATE) and E3015_UH_DC_ (PREVIOUS UPPER HOUSE ELECTION: VOTE CHOICE – DISTRICT CANDIDATE) were previously incorrectly coded as “999995. Not Applicable: Unicameral System” for Chile (2017). In this release, this miscode is corrected and Chile (2017) is recoded to “999996. Not Applicable: No Upper House Election or Candidate Vote”.
  11. E3013_UH_PF (CURRENT UPPER HOUSE ELECTION: VOTE CHOICE – DISTRICT CANDIDATE) was previously incorrectly coded as “95. Not Applicable: Unicameral System” for Italy (2018). In this release, this miscode is corrected and Italy (2018) is recoded to “96. Not Applicable: No Upper House Election or Preference Vote System”.
  12. E3018_F (LIKE-DISLIKE – LEADER F) was previously incorrectly coded for Australia (2019) as it mistakenly contained data on another Australian leader (Michael McCormack, NP). In this release, this miscode is corrected and data on E3018_F (Pauline Hanson, PHON) for Australia (2019) has now been added to the dataset.
  13. E4001 (NUMBER OF SEATS IN DISTRICT) – E4007 (SIZE OF ELECTORATE OR POPULATION IN DISTRICT – NATIONWIDE ELECTORAL DISTRICT): District data for Australia (2019) has now been added to the dataset.
  14. 17. E5017_ (IDEOLOGICAL FAMILY): For Iceland (2016), data for variables E5017_H (People’s Party, FIF) and E5017_I (Dawn – The organization of justice, fairness and democracy) were initially unavailable and these data coded as “99. Missing”. In this release, E5017_H for Iceland (2016) has been recoded to “06. Liberal Parties” and E5017_I to “05. Left Liberal Parties.”
  15. E5017_I (IDEOLOGICAL FAMILY – PARTY I): For Iceland (2017), data for variable E5017_I (Bright Future, BF) were initially unavailable and these data coded as “99. Missing”. In this release, E5017_I for Iceland (2017) has been recoded to “06. Liberal Parties”.
  16. E5018_ (LEFT-RIGHT): For Iceland (2016), data for variables E5018_H (People’s Party, FIF) and E5018_I (Dawn – The organization of justice, fairness and democracy) were initially unavailable and these data coded as “99. Missing”. In this release, E5018_H for Iceland (2016) has been recoded to “05.” and E5018_I to “02.”
  17. E5018_I (LEFT-RIGHT – PARTY I): For Iceland (2017), data for variable E5018_I (Bright Future, BF) were initially unavailable and these data coded as “99. Missing”. In this release, E5018_I for Iceland (2017) has been recoded to “05.”
  18. E5020_ (POPULISM SCALE): For Iceland (2016), data for variables E5020_H (People’s Party, FIF) and E5020_I (Dawn – The organization of justice, fairness and democracy) were initially unavailable and these data coded as “99. Missing”. In this release, E5020_H for Iceland (2016) has been recoded to “07.” and E5020_I to “04.”
  19. E5020_I (POPULISM SCALE – PARTY I): For Iceland (2017), data for variable E5020_I (Bright Future, BF) were initially unavailable and these data coded as “99. Missing”. In this release, E5020_I for Iceland (2017) has been recoded to “02.”
  20. E5075 (PERCENTAGE OF WOMEN IN PARLIAMENT) For Iceland (2017), data for variable E5020_I (Bright Future, BF) were initially unavailable and these data coded as “99. Missing”. In this release, E5020_I for Iceland (2017) has been recoded to “02.”
  21. E5200_ (MARPOR/ CMP IDENTIFIER): Several data corrections have been included to correct for original miscodes including: a) For Greece (2015), E5200_A was previously incorrectly coded as “34020.” In this release, this miscode is corrected with Greece (2015) recoded to “34212.” b) For Hungary (2018), E5200_A was previously incorrectly coded as “86061.” In this release, this miscode is corrected with Hungary (2018) is recoded to “86421.” c) For Hungary (2018), E5200_C the “Hungarian Socialist Party – Dialogue for Hungary” was previously coded as “86220.” This MARPOR code, however, solely refers to the “Hungarian Socialist Party” (please see ELECTION STUDY NOTES). As MARPOR does not provide codes for coalitions, E5200_C was recoded to “999999. Missing.” d) For Hungary (2018), data on E5200_H has now been added to the dataset.
  22. E5201_ (PARLGOV IDENTIFIER): Several data corrections have been included to correct for original miscodes including: a) For Australia (2019), E5201_E was previously incorrectly coded as “1912.” In this release, this miscode is corrected with Australia (2019) recoded to “2259.” b) For Greece (2015), E5201_D was previously incorrectly coded as “2093.” In this release, this miscode is corrected with Greece (2015) recoded to “1338.” c) For Iceland (2017), E5201_G was previously incorrectly coded as “2643.” In this release, this miscode is corrected with Iceland (2017) recoded to “2632.”


  1. CODEBOOK PART 1-2: A summary of the newly added E6000_ bridging variables have been added to Parts 1 and 2 of the Codebook. The information can be found in each segment of the Codebook by searching for the following: “POTENTIAL CSES PRODUCT BRIDGING IDENTIFIER”.
  2. CODEBOOK PART 2 – E2003 (EDUCATION): As data on E2003 is now available for Iceland (2016) and Iceland (2017), an Election Study Note (ESN) has been added to E2003 inform users about the original education categories used to create E2003 for Iceland. The Variable Note stating that data is unavailable for Iceland 2016 and 2017 has been removed.
  3. CODEBOOK PART 2 – E2006 (CURRENT EMPLOYMENT STATUS) includes two new codes for respondents not in labor force: “11. On Temporary Job Leave” and “12. Civic/ Military Service.” As those two codes were used in the previous coding scheme of this variable, the previously used codes were recoded into “13. See Election Study Notes” and “14. See Election Study Notes.”
  4. CODEBOOK PART 3 – E5200_ (MARPOR/ CMP IDENTIFIER): Several documentation corrections have been included to correct for original miscodes including: a) For Greece (2015), the codebook entry of variable E5200_H previously contained a typing error. In this release, this error has now been corrected from “34110.” to “34410.” Furthermore, an Election Study Note has been added including MARPOR codes for the two parties from the “Democratic Coalition (PASOK – DIMAR)”. b) For Hungary (2018), the codebook entry of variable E5200_A previously contained a typing error. In this release, this error has now been corrected from “86061.” to “86421.” c) For Hungary (2018), E5200_C the “Hungarian Socialist Party – Dialogue for Hungary” was previously coded as “86220.” As this MARPOR code solely refers to the “Hungarian Socialist Party” (please see ELECTION STUDY NOTES) and not to the coalition, the codebook entry for E5200_C has now been changed to “999999. Missing.” d) For Hungary (2018), the codebook entry of variable E5200_H has been corrected from “999999. Missing” to “86340.” as data for E5200_H has now been added to the dataset. e) For Lithuania (2016), the codebook entry of variable E5200_B previously contained a typing error. In this release, this error has now been corrected from “88620.” to “88820.”
  5. 5. CODEBOOK PART 3 – E5201_ (PARLGOV IDENTIFIER): Several documentation corrections have been included to correct for original miscodes including: a) For Australia (2019), the codebook entry of variable E5201_E previously contained an error. In this release, this error has now been corrected from “1912.” to “2259.” b) For Greece (2015), the codebook entry of variable E5201_D previously contained an error. In this release, this error has now been corrected from “2093.” to “1338.”

CSES Module 5 Second Advance Release: May 14, 2020 Version

The Second Advance Release of CSES Module 5 of May 14, 2020, contains additions, updates, and improvements to the First Advance Release of May 21, 2019. Please do not use files from the previous release with files from the current version. Variable names and attributes, as well as the data, have sometimes been changed.

Eight new election studies have been added to the file, bringing the number of election studies included in Module 5 to 21 in total. The studies added to the Second Advance Release Dataset are in alphabetical order: Australia (2019), Brazil (2018), France (2017), Iceland (2016), Iceland (2017), New Zealand (2017), Norway (2017), and Turkey (2018).

Below, we provide a list of some of the primary changes and corrections to previously released Module 5 data. Users are advised that this list is not comprehensive but instead highlights the main modifications both to the data and documentation since the previous release.


  1. E5000A-.E5000_I: To allow for easy identification of CSES alphabetic party/coalition codes within the dataset, nine new variables (E5000_A to E5000_I inclusive) have been added to the dataset. They serve as identifiers in the dataset for parties/coalitions that are classified as Party A, Party B, Party C etc… for each polity.
  2. E3009 (Government Performance) now includes the additional category “6. [See Election Study Notes]”.
  3. E3023 (Satisfaction with Democracy) now includes the additional category “6. [See Election Study Notes]”.
  4. E5078 (Effective Number Of Electoral Parties), E5079 (Corrected Effective Number Of Electoral Parties), E5080 (Effective Number Of Parliamentary Parties), E5081 (Corrected Effective Number Of Parliamentary Parties): The new category “997. Presidential Election Only – Not Calculated” has been added to these variables, to reflect that they are not calculated for election studies exclusively covering Presidential elections.
  5. E5092 (Gini Coefficient Of Equalized Disposable Income: Year Closest to Elec) has been re-classified as “Gini Coefficient Of Equalized Disposable Income: Year Closest to Election”. Availability of GINI data in the given election year often lags behind available data. Hence, CSES now provides the most recent year of data available closest to the election in question at the time of data processing.
  6. E5102 (TI Corruption Perception Index) has been updated for Chile (2017), Hungary (2018) and Italy (2018). For these election studies, E5102 now refers to data in the said election year, as this data has become available. Previously, data referred to the closest available year.
  7. E5111 (Percentage of Individuals Using the Internet), E5112 (Mobile Phone Subscriptions per 100 Inhabitants), E5113 (Fixed Telephone Lines per 100 Inhabitants): These data have been updated for Hungary (2018) and Italy (2018) to refer to data in the said election year, as this data has become available. Previously, data referred to the closest available year.


  1. CODEBOOK PART 1-3: A brief explanation of the CSES Module 5 convention on numerical party/coalition coding schemes have been added to Parts 1, 2, and 3 of the Codebook. The information can be found in each segment of the Codebook by searching for the following: “<<>> CSES NUMERICAL PARTY/COALITION CODING”.
  2. CODEBOOK PART 1: The CSES Bibliography has been updated and sorted alphabetically.
  3. CODEBOOK PART 2 – E2008 (Socio-Economic Status) and E2009 (Employment Type): Variable Notes have been updated to further clarify the CSES convention for cases in which these questions have been asked to respondents out of labor force. The CSES principle is not to recode these inconsistencies but to report them in the Codebook.
  4. CODEBOOK PART 2 – E3015_LH_PL (Previous Lower House Election: Vote Choice – Party List), E3015_LH_DC (Previous Lower House Election: Vote Choice – District Candidate), E3015_UH_DC_ (Previous Upper House Election: Vote Choice – District Candidate): Variable Notes have been updated to further clarify the CSES convention for cases in which these questions have been asked to respondents stating not to have turned out in the previous election. The CSES principle is not to recode these inconsistencies but to report them in the Codebook.
  5. CODEBOOK PART 2 – E5092 (GINI Coefficient Of Equalized Disposable Income – Year Closest To Election Year Available): Variable Notes have been updated and now include a table providing an overview of the year in which the GINI coefficient was calculated.
  6. CODEBOOK PART 2 – E5106_1 (Population By Citizenship: Percentage Of Population Who Are Citizens), E5106_2 (Population By Citizenship: Percentage Of Population Foreign Born/Not Citizen), and E5106_3 (Population By Citizenship: Percentage Of Population Unknown Citizenship Status): Variable Notes have been updated and now include a table listing election studies and the year to which the data included in E5106_ refer to, as data is not always available for the year the election is held.
  7. CODEBOOK PART 2 – E5107 (Linguistic Fractionalization Index: Alesina et al. 2003), E5108 (Religious Fractionalization Index: Alesina et al. 2003), and E5109 (Ethnic Fractionalization Index: Alesina et al. 2003):Variable Notes have been updated and now include a table listing election studies and the year for which the indices have been calculated.
  8. CODEBOOK PART 2 – E2017 (Country of Birth):  For Hong Kong (2016), an Election Study Note has been added, explaining the election-study specific code “900. Other”.
  9. CODEBOOK PART 2 – E5008_1 (Voting Operations: Early/Advance Voting), E5008_2 (Voting Operations: Vote By Mail/Postal): For Ireland (2016), Election Study Notes for E5008_1 and E5008_2 have been added, detailing the circumstances under which Irish voters are eligible for advance and postal voting.
  10. CODEBOOK PART 3: For Hong Kong (2016), Election Study Notes for the Parties and Leaders table have been updated, informing users that data for PARTY H (Labor Party) is unavailable for E3017_H (Like-Dislike – Party H), E3018_H (Like-Dislike – Leader H), E3019_H (Left-Right – Party H), and E3021_H (Optional Alternative Scale – Party H).


We wish to alert users to four minor inconsistencies which persist in CSES Module 5 Advance Release 2. These discrepancies will be addressed in future releases of CSES Module 5.

  1. E2010 (Household Income – Quintiles) is coded “9. Missing” for 187 respondents for New Zealand (2017). However, these data should be classified as “8. Volunteered: Don’t Know”, as indicated by E2011 (Household Income – Original Variable).
  2. E3013_UH_DC_ (Current Upper House Election: Vote Choice – District Candidate) and E3015_UH_DC_ (Previous Upper House Election: Vote Choice – District Candidate) are coded “999995. Not Applicable: Unicameral System” for Chile (2017). However, these data should be classified as “999996. Not Applicable: No District Candidate Vote”, as respondents’ vote choice for the Chilean Senate is provided in the party-list vote variables E3013_UH_PL (Current Upper House Election: Vote Choice -Party List) and E3015_UH_PL (Previous Upper House Election: Vote Choice – Party List).
  3. E3013_UH_PF (Current Upper House Election: Candidate Preference Vote) is coded “95. Not Applicable: Unicameral System” for Italy (2018). However, these data should be classified as “96. Not Applicable: No Preference Vote System”, as Italy’s legislature is bicameral, but the electoral system for upper house elections does not allow a preferential vote to be cast.
  4. E5201_G (Parliaments And Government Database (ParlGov) Identifier) is coded “2643” for PARTY G (People’s Party) for Iceland (2017). The correct ParlGov identifier for that party is “2632”.

CSES Module 5 First Advance Release: May 21, 2019 Version

(no errata listed)