Here is the CMT Uptime check phrase


The Data Center now includes an area where Researcher Contributions can be downloaded. Researcher Contributions are files specifically related to CSES which have been prepared by individual researchers and made available to the public. The first such contribution is the “CSES Module 1 and Module 2 Macro Booklet” (July 5, 2005 version) by Ana Espírito-Santo, Diogo Moreira, André Freire, Marina Costa Lobo, and Pedro Magalhães.

The Data Center now includes an area where Researcher Contributions can be downloaded. Researcher Contributions are files specifically related to CSES which have been prepared by individual researchers and made available to the public. The first such contribution is...

Coverage maps have been added to the pages listing Module 1 Collaborators and Module 2 Collaborators. The list of Module 2 collaborators was updated in the process, and a list of countries likely to be included in future Module 2 releases was added. Last, links to the aforementioned lists are now also available from the main Collaborators page – previously they were only accessible from the Data Center.

Coverage maps have been added to the pages listing Module 1 Collaborators and Module 2 Collaborators. The list of Module 2 collaborators was updated in the process, and a list of countries likely to be included in future Module 2 releases was added. Last, links to the...


By Year