Coverage maps have been added to the pages listing Module 1 Collaborators and Module 2 Collaborators. The list of Module 2 collaborators was updated in the process, and a list of countries likely to be included in future Module 2 releases was added. Last, links to the aforementioned lists are now also available from the main Collaborators page – previously they were only accessible from the Data Center.
Coverage maps have been added to the pages listing Module 1 Collaborators and Module 2 Collaborators. The list of Module 2 collaborators was updated in the process, and a list of countries likely to be included in future Module 2 releases was added. Last, links to the aforementioned lists are now also available from the main Collaborators page – previously they were only accessible from the Data Center.
by CSES Staff | Sep 21, 2005 | Uncategorized