Are you attending the 2016 annual meeting of the American Political Science Association (APSA) in Philadelphia during September 1-4? If so, you may be interested to attend one or more of the below presentations and panels which make use of CSES data.
If you are making a presentation which makes use of CSES data and it does not appear here, please let us know via email to: [email protected]
Panel: Get it Right the First Time: Preferences for Leader Responsiveness and Reform
Thursday September 1st, 8:00 to 9:30am, Marriott, Salon I
Presentation: The Impact of Electoral- & Party-systems on Congruence from a Micro-perspective
Mirjam Dageförde, Sciences Po Paris
The principle of representation is organizing principle of modern large-scale democracies but faces to be criticized as the ongoing critical discourse about a presumed “crisis of representation” indicates. Mainly, the quality of representation is analyzed from an objective point of view and from a macro-perspective in terms of congruence.
Panel: Congruent Representation?
Thursday, September 1st, 10:00 to 11:30am, Marriott, Meeting Room 502
Presentation: Citizen Perceptions, Manifesto Statements, Failures of Ideological Congruence
Bingham Powell, University of Rochester
Many versions of democratic theory expect competitive elections to link the preferences of citizens to the policies of the governments that they elect. Considerable agreement has emerged on the causal chain that theoretically should connect citizens and their governments. But there are various points at which the chain can break.
Panel: Policy Preferences and Policy Outcomes
Friday September 2nd, 10:00 to 11:30am, Marriott, Meeting Room 502
Presentation: The Effect of Internet Technologies on Voters’ Left-Right Assessments of Parties
Joshua D Potter, Louisiana State University; Johanna Dunaway, Texas A&M University
What factors determine voters’ ability to correctly assess the left-right ideological placements of political parties? Furthermore, under what circumstances are voters able to correctly identify when a political party shifts its position between election periods?
Panel: Unions and Politics in Advanced Industrial Societies
Friday September 2nd, 10:00 to 11:30am, PCC, 201-C
Presentation: Unions and the Capacity of Left Parties to Build New Voters’ Coalitions
Line Rennwald, University of Lausanne
How do unions contribute to the capacity of left-wing parties to build new voters’ coalitions? It is conventional wisdom to consider unions as a burden on the capacity of left parties to appeal to high-skilled workers. The paper proposes to reconsider the role of unions, since they increasingly organize (high-skilled) white-collar workers due to changes in the employment structure.
Panel: Tomorrow is Today: Causes and Consequences of Political Socialization
Friday September 2nd, 10:00 to 11:30am, Marriott, Salon I
Presentation: Socialization or Experience? Political Support among Expatriated Swedes
Stefan Dahlberg, University of Gothenburg; Jonas Linde, University of Bergen
Much of the research on how citizens judge the functioning of democracy has focused on individual-level factors or on system-level factors on the input-side of the political system, such as formal institutional arrangements. However, a growing body of research has come to stress the importance of factors related to processes on the output-side of the political system.
Panel: Methodological Challenges and Advances using the CSES
Friday September 2nd, 12:00 to 1:30pm, Marriott, Salon D
Presentation: Gender or Measurement? A Comparative Analysis of the Gender Gap in Knowledge
Marta Fraile, CSIC; Jessica Fortin-Rittberger, University of Salzburg
While the majority of studies on political knowledge document lingering gender-based differences in advanced industrial democracies, most contributors have drawn such conclusions from a single or a handful of countries, using limited batteries of political information items.
Presentation: Institutional Influences on Behavior and Selection Effects
John H. Aldrich, Duke University; Joshua Yoshio Lerner, Duke University
A common finding in the use of CSES data to make comparative institutional analyses for assessing their influence on comparative public opinion and behavior in democracies, a typical conclusion is that “they matter some, just not too much.”
Presentation: Dimensionality, Contexts, and Ideological Congruence between Parties and Voters
Royce A. Carroll, Rice University; Hiroki Kubo, Osaka University
To what extent does the presence of multiple important issue dimensions shape how voters perceive party ideological positions? How does the complexity of political space affect representation and democratic linkages between citizens and politicians?
Panel: Vote Choices, Ideology and Political Parties
Friday September 2nd, 2:00 to 3:30pm, Marriott, Salon C
Presentation: Ideological Defection: Why Citizens Don’t Vote for the Closest Party
Bingham Powell, University of Rochester; Barbara Maria Piotrowska, University of Rochester
Previous studies using CSES electoral studies, which we confirm, have shown that in the industrialized Western democracies around a third of the voters report that they don’t vote for the party that they themselves identify as closest to them ideologically. Moreover, at least half don’t vote for the party that is closest according to the average placement. When these ideological defections are systematically to the right or to the left the consequence can be a median voted party, and thus the emergent party system configuration, displaced from the median voter. This displacement in turn makes the ideological congruence of governments and their voters more difficult to achieve.
Reception: 2016 GESIS Klingemann Prize for the Best CSES Scholarship
Friday September 2nd, 7:30pm, Pennsylvania Convention Center Room 112-B
When do the rich vote less than the poor and why? Explaining turnout inequality across the world
Kimuli Kasara, Columbia University; and Pavithra Suryanarayan, Johns Hopkins University
The question of who turns out to vote has occupied political scientists for decades. It is a particularly important question if voters differ in their political interests from those who stay at home. Conventional wisdom holds that turnout is positively correlated with class: the wealthy vote at higher rates than the poor. In their innovative study, Kasara and Suryanarayan show that there is in fact substantial cross-country variation in class-based inequality of turnout.
Panel: Economic Voting
Saturday September 3rd, 4:00 to 5:30pm, Marriott, Salon D
Presentation: When Does the Economy Matter? A Multilevel Analysis of Economic Voting
Johannes Bergh, Institute for social research; Anders Todal Jenssen, NTNU Trondheim
When do voters’ economic considerations matter the most for their vote, and in what elections, if any, are economic considerations unimportant?
Panel: Voter Perceptions of Politicians’ Competence
Sunday September 4th, 8:00 to 9:30am, Marriott, Salon J
“You are Fired”: How Voters Come to Believe that Party Systems are Incompetent
Robert Rohrschneider, University of Kansas; Rudiger Schmitt-Beck, University of Mannheim
Democratic representation and accountability presume that the programmatic choices offered by parties effectively address the concerns of mass publics. If voters do not believe that parties are able to redress those issues they deem central, it is hard to conclude that parties can be effective agents of representation. Curiously, however, students of party governments and representation research in advanced democracies rarely examine a key assumption of these mechanisms: do party programs offer solution that mass publics deem effective? In turn, how do competence attributions affect evaluations of the democratic process?
Panel: Comparative Perspectives on Political Behaviour: Novel insights using the CSES
Sunday September 4th, 10:00 to 11:30am, Marriott, Salon KL
Presentation: Patrimonial Economic Voting: A Comparative Analysis of Wealth’s Impact on Vote
Stephen Patrick Quinlan, GESIS – Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences
“It’s the economy, stupid!” Time and again the economy has been shown to influence vote in a variety of contexts.
Presentation: Public Perceptions of Risk and Insecurity in the Wake of the Great Recession
Timothy Hellwig, Indiana University, Bloomington; Jack Vowles, Victoria University of Wellington
In recent years, the structural environments confronting OECD economies have experienced profound changes. The culprits are well known and include sweeping deindustrialization, the rise of the service sector in labor markets, the related effects of globalization, and demo-graphic developments brought on by immigration flows and the ageing of the population.
Presentation: Compulsory Voting, (In)Equality, and Quality of the Vote
Peter Miller, University of Pennsylvania; Ruth Dassonneville, Universite de Montreal; Marc Hooghe, University Leuven
High turnout levels are regularly considered as an indication of the health of democracy.
Presentation: (Equi)Distant Political Alternatives: Abstention, Indifference, and Alienation
Toni Rodon, Stanford University
This paper systematically reveals the limitations of spatial theories of indifference and alienation on vote outcomes (primary contribution), and the theoretical importance of party context to the substantive relevance of indifference and alienation on voter abstention.