Here is the CMT Uptime check phrase


The Full Release of CSES Module 2 is now available for download. As of this release, ten new election studies have been added, bringing the total to 41. All election studies from CSES Module 2 now appear in the file. An erratum is available that discusses other changes as of this release.

The Full Release of CSES Module 2 is now available for download. As of this release, ten new election studies have been added, bringing the total to 41. All election studies from CSES Module 2 now appear in the file. An erratum is available that discusses other...

A new Researcher Contribution is available for download from the Data Center. The contribution was prepared by Matias Bargsted and is titled “Complementary Macro Level Data for CSES Modules 1 and 2”. Included in the contribution are 43 variables on a wide range of topics not already covered by CSES macro data.

A new Researcher Contribution is available for download from the Data Center. The contribution was prepared by Matias Bargsted and is titled "Complementary Macro Level Data for CSES Modules 1 and 2". Included in the contribution are 43 variables on a wide range of...


By Year