CSES Module 4: 2011-2016
CSES Module 4 focuses on distributional politics and social protection.
The goal of the module is to enhance knowledge of voter preferences for policies that affect income and wealth distribution, in a period of constrained growth, deficit reduction, and expenditure constraint and austerity. It draws upon the literature in comparative political economy and develops data that will enable scholars to understand how political institutions condition voters’ reactions to the politics of budgetary restraint.
The module is influenced by the economic crises of the years prior to its implementation. Also included in the module is a battery of questions about mobilization – asking respondents about contacts by parties and candidates, and about personal contacts intended to influence vote choice.
View the Module 4 Codebook Online
Part 1: Introduction
Part 2: Variables Description
Part 3: Parties and Leaders
Part 4: Primary Electoral Districts
Part 5: Election Summaries
Part 6: Study Designs and Weights
Source Documents
These documents were used by collaborators for collecting the data:
Module 4 Questionnaire [PDF file]
Module 4 Questionnaire [TXT file]
Module 4 Macro Report [PDF file]
Module 4 Macro Report [DOC file]
Module 4 Design Report [PDF file]
Module 4 Design Report [DOC file]
Module 4 Booklet [PDF file]
Module 4 Booklet [DOC file]
CSES Module 4 Full Release
May 29, 2018 version
You can choose below to either download the dataset to your own computer for analysis, or to use an online analysis tool.
Errata – list of updates and error corrections
Funding Sources and How to Cite the Study
DOI: 10.7804/cses.module4.2018-05-29 (What is this?)
Analyze on your own computer
First, create a local directory to download the files into. We recommend:
Second, download the codebook:
Third, download one or more of the following six files, depending on which statistical package(s) you intend to use with the data, and how:
cses4_csv.zip– CSV file (.csv)
cses4_r.zip – R dataset (.rdata)
cses4_sas.zip – SAS dataset (.sas7bdat)
cses4_spss.zip – SPSS dataset (.sav)
cses4_stata.zip – STATA dataset (.dta)
cses4_syntax.zip – Raw data and syntax for SAS, SPSS and STATA