Party System Polarization Index for CSES Modules 1-4
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Contributed by: Russell J. Dalton
Contact Person: Russell J. Dalton [email protected]
Version: April 19, 2017
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Party System Polarization Index for CSES Modules 1-4
The associated Excel file provides a summary statistic of party system polarization in legislative elections for each of the CSES nations that include the requisite data. The index measures the spread of parties along the Left-Right scale (see Dalton 2008). The polarization index uses the public’s mean perception of a party’s Left-Right position in each nation, weighted by the vote share for each party. Original sampling weights were used for the survey data. In some instances, we estimated party vote shares when parties ran in an electoral alliance, or when electoral returns were incomplete. Party vote share is calculated as a percentage for parties represented in CSES data. The resulting index has a range from 0 when all parties are located at the same position on the Left-Right scale to 10 when all parties are located at the extreme positions on the CSES Left-Right scale. A separate example excel file shows the calculation method for the Australian CSES I survey.