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March 1, 2022
Dear CSES User Community,
The Comparative Study of Electoral Systems (CSES) project is pleased to announce the Fourth Advance Release of the CSES Module 5 dataset. The dataset and accompanying documentation may be downloaded for free from the CSES website’s Data Center.
The core objective of CSES Module 5 is to tap citizens’ attitudes towards political elites, majority rule, and out-groups. The module will allow researchers to account for variation in the contestation of political elites and ‘populist’ attitudes across polities, to examine how such perceptions shape citizens electoral behavior, and to explore the relationship between the rise of populist parties and the distribution of populist attitudes cross-nationally.
This Fourth Advance Release contains 76,123 respondents from 41 election studies covering 36 polities and has 576 variables. Ten new election studies have been added to the file. The studies added as of the Fourth Advance Release are: Denmark (2019), Israel (2020), Japan (2017), Netherlands (2017), New Zealand (2020), Slovakia (2020), Thailand (2019), Tunisia (2019), Uruguay (2019), and the United States (2020). A non-comprehensive list of changes made to previously released Module 5 data can be found on the Errata page for CSES Module 5.
This Fourth Advance Release also includes the following:
- A suite of derivative variables including pre-coded vote choice for left/right, vote choice by ideological family, and turnout & vote switching variables.
- A series of bridging variables that facilitates easy linking of CSES Module 5 data with a host of other data, including the Manifesto Project Database (MARPOR/CMP), ParlGov, the Chapel Hill Expert Survey (CHES), and the Party Facts Database.
- Variables enabling users to merge CSES Module 5 data easily with the CSES Integrated Module Dataset (IMD).
- Several studies conducted during the Covid-19 pandemic, which are highlighted by a Covid-19 pandemic study timing variable.
An Advance Release is a preliminary version of a dataset. It thus lacks some of the checking, cleaning, processing, documentation, data, and variables that are usual to the Full Release of a dataset. Many election studies that will eventually be present in the CSES Module 5 Full Release are not available in this file. Advance Releases are provided as a service to the CSES user community, for those analysts who find it valuable to work with preliminary versions of the dataset. We would appreciate being notified of any errors in the dataset or documentation by email to: [email protected]
We hope that until the Full Release of CSES Module 5 is available, users will find this to be helpful in their work.
Thank you for your support of the CSES project.