CSES Technical Reports
CSES Technical Reports elaborate on issues related to the project and its products, and are usually methodological in nature. Contributions from the user community are encouraged. Click on the report below to view/download the full report.
Electoral Turnouts Reported in Modules 1 and 2
Author: Sebastian Netscher, GESIS – Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences
Version: October 24, 2010
Abstract: This technical report focuses on national turnouts included in the first two modules of the Comparative Study of Electoral Systems (CSES). The CSES Secretariat has investigated how to improve variables A5010 and B5006, specifically. To achieve this, this paper compares differences in the values published by the CSES to several external sources. Furthermore, multiple ways of turnout computation are used to explain the reported differences, concluding with several proposals on how to improve the published data.