Books and Chapters
Aarts, K., & Aardal, B. (2011). Patterns of Party Evaluations. In M. Rosema, B. Denters, & K. Aarts (Eds.), How Democracy Works: Political Representation and Policy Congruence in Modern Societies: Essays in Honour of Jacques Thomassen (pp. 159-179). Amsterdam: Pallas Publications – Amsterdam University Press.
Aarts, K., Blais, A., & Schmitt, H. (Eds.). (2011). Political Leaders and Democratic Elections. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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Anderson, C. (2019). How Electoral Systems Shape What Voters Think About Democracy. In P. J. Loewen & D. Rubenson (Eds.), Duty and Choice: The Evolution of the Study of Voting and Voters (pp. 201-236). Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
Anderson, C. J. B., André; Bowler, Shaun; Donovan, Todd; Listhaug, Ola (Ed.) (2007). Losers’ Consent: Elections and Democratic Legitimacy. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Arian, A., & Shamir, M. (2001). Context and Comparison in Election Research: The Israel National Election Study. In E. Katz & Y. Warshel (Eds.), Election Studies: What’s Their Use? (pp. 127-148). Boulder, CO: Westview Press.
Bădescu, G. (2004). Cultural Heritage and Romanian Civil Society. In H.-D. Klingemann, D. Fuchs, R. Inglehart, & J. Zielonka (Eds.), Pathways to Democratic Community (pp. 22). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Bajarunieni, R., Curtice, J., Diez Nicolas, J., Hernandez, O., Holmberg, S., Klingemann, H.-D., . . . Tóka, G. (2009). The Comparative Study of Electoral Systems: Final Report of the 1995-96 Planning Committee. In H.-D. Klingemann (Ed.), The Comparative Study of Electoral Systems. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Baldini, G., & Pappalardo, A. (Eds.). (2008). Elections, Electoral Systems and Volatile Voters. New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan.
Banducci, S. A., & Karp, J. A. (2004). The 2002 Election in Comparative Context. In J. Vowles (Ed.), Voters’ Veto. The 2002 Election in New Zealand and the Consolidation of Minority Government (pp. 150-166). Auckland, NZ: Auckland University Press.
Banducci, S. A., & Karp, J. A. (2009). Electoral Systems, Efficacy, and Voter Turnout. In H.-D. Klingemann (Ed.), The Comparative Study of Electoral Systems (pp. 109-134). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Bartle, J., & Belluci, P. (Eds.). (2009). Political Parties and Partisanship: Social identity and individual attitudes (Vol. 57): Routledge.
Bernauer, J., Giger, N., & Vatter, A. (2014). New Patterns of Democracy in the Countries of the Comparative Study of Electoral Systems 2. In J. J. A. Thomassen (Ed.), Elections and Democracy. Representation and Accountability (pp. 20-37). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Bernhagen, P. (2007). The Political Power of Business: Structure and Information in Public Policymaking. London, New York: Routledge
Best, S. J., & Radcliff, B. (Eds.). (2005). Polling America: an Encyclopedia of Public Opinion (Vol. 1). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.
Birch, S. (2009). Electoral Corruption. In T. Landman & N. Robinson (Eds.), The Sage Handbook of Comparative Politics (pp. 395-409). London: Sage Publications.
Birch, S. (2009). Full Participation: a Comparative Study of Compulsory Voting. New York: United Nations University Press.
Birch, S. (2016). Globalization and the Quality of Elections. In J. Vowles & G. Xezonakis (Eds.), Globalization and Domestic Politics. Parties, Elections, and Public Opinion (pp. 173-188). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Blais, A. (2000). Who Votes? In A. Blais (Ed.), To Vote or Not to Vote: The Merits and Limits of Rational Choice Theory. Pittsburgh: University of Pitsburgh Press.
Blais, A. (2013). Evaluating U.S. Electoral Institutions in Comparative Perspective. In J. H. Nagel & R. M. Smith (Eds.), Representation. Elections and Beyond (pp. 15-25). Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.
Blais, A., & Loewen, P. (2007). Electoral Systems and Evaluations of Democracy. In W. Cross (Ed.), Democratic Reform in New Brunswick (pp. 39-57). Toronto, Ontario: Canadian Scholars’ Press.
Caramani, D. (Ed.) (2008). Comparative Politics. New York: Oxford University Press.
Carter, J., Ford, G. R., et al., Cutler, L. N., & Michel, R. H. (2001). Sizing the Problem. In G. R. Ford, et al. (Ed.), To Assure Pride and Confidence in the Electoral Process. Report of the National Commission on Federal Election Reform. Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution Press.
Charron, N., Fernández-Albertos, J., & Lapuente, V. (2013). Small is different: size, political representation and governance. In S. Lago-Penas & J. Martinez-Vazquez (Eds.), The Challenge of Local Government Size. Theoretical perspectives, international experience and policy reform (pp. 55-82): Edward Elgar.
Colton, T. J. (2004). Parties, Citizens, and the Prospects for Democratic Consolidation in Russia. In M. MacFaul & K. Stoner-Weiss (Eds.), After the Collapse of Communism: Comparative Lessons of Transition (pp. 173-206). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Costa Lobo, M., & Curtice, J. (Eds.). (2015). Personality Politics? The Role of Leader Evaluations in Democratic Elections. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Curtice, J., & Hunjan, S. (2011). Elections as Beauty Contests: Do the rules matter? In K. Aarts, A. Blais, & H. Schmitt (Eds.), Political Leaders and Democratic Elections (pp. 256). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Curtice, J., & Lisi, M. (2015). The Impact of Leaders in Parliamentary and Presidential Regimes. In M. Costa Lobo & J. Curtice (Eds.), Personality Politics? The Role of Leader Evaluations in Democratic Elections (pp. 63-86). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Curtice, J., & Shively, W. P. (2009). Who Represents Us Best? One Member or Many? In H.-D. Klingemann (Ed.), The Comparative Study of Electoral Systems (pp. 171-192). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Dalton, R. J. (Ed.) (2004). Democratic Challenges, Democratic Choices: The Erosion of Political Support in Advanced Industrial Democracies. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Dalton, R. J. (2005). Citizen Politics: Public Opinion and Political Parties in Advanced Industrial Democracies (4 ed.). Washington, DC: CQ Press.
Dalton, R. J. (2010). Ideology, Partisanship, and Democratic Development. In L. LeDuc, R. G. Niemi, & P. Norris (Eds.), Comparing Democracies. Elections and Voting in the 21st Century (pp. 143-166). London: Sage Publications.
Dalton, R. J., & Anderson, C. J. (Eds.). (2011). Citizens, Context, and Choice: How Context Shapes Citizens’ Electoral Choices. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
Dalton, R. J., Farell, D. M., & McAllister, I. (2011). The Dynamics of Political Representation. In M. Rosema, B. Denters, & K. Aarts (Eds.), How Democracy Works: Political Representation and Policy Congruence in Modern Societies: Essays in Honour of Jacques Thomassen (pp. 21-38). Amsterdam: Pallas Publications – Amsterdam University Press.
Dalton, R. J., Farrell, D. M., & McAllister, I. (Eds.). (2011). Political Parties and Democratic Linkage. How Parties Organize Democracy. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
Dalton, R. J., & Zhu, Y. (Eds.). (2008). Party Politics in East Asia: citizens, elections, and democratic development. Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner.
Farrell, D. M., & McAllister, I. (2006). The Australian Electoral System: Origins, Variations and Consequences. Sydney: UNSW Press.
Fisher, S. D. (2016). Does Globalization Weaken Accountability and Representation? In J. Vowles & G. Xezonakis (Eds.), Globalization and Domestic Politics. Parties, Elections, and Public Opinion (pp. 133-153). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Formicelli, S. (2015). Personality Politics in Single-Party and Coalition Governments. In M. Costa Lobo & J. Curtice (Eds.), Personality Politics? The Role of Leader Evaluations in Democratic Elections (pp. 87-104). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Fraile, M. (2008). Political Knowledge and the Logic of Voting: A Comparative Study. In J. M. Maravall & I. Sanchez-Cuenca (Eds.), Controlling Governments: Voters, Institutions, and Accountability (pp. 131-156). New York: Cambridge University Press.
Franklin, M. N., & Wlezien, C. (Eds.). (2002). The Future of Election Studies. Amsterdam: Pergamon.
Freire, A., Costa Lobo, M., & Magalhães, P. (Eds.). (2004). Portugal a Votos. As Eleições Legislativas de 2002. Lisboa, Portugal: Imprensa de Ciências Sociais.
Freire, A., & Leite Viegas, J. M. (2015). Institutional reform in Portugal: From the perspective of deputies and voters. In A. Freire, Leite Viegas, José Manuel (Ed.), Politicial Representation in Portugal: the years of Socialist majority 2005-2009: Edicao D’Autor.
Freire, A., & Manuel, L. V. J. (Eds.). (2015). Politicial Representation in Portugal: the years of Socialist majority 2005-2009: Edicao D’Autor.
Gallego, A. (2015). Unequal Political Participation Worldwide. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Giebler, H., Lacewell, O. P., Regel, S., & Werner, A. (2018). Decline or change? : Party types and the crisis of representative democracy. In Democracy and crisis (pp. 145-175). Wisbaden, Germany: Springer.
Giger, N. (2011). The Risk of Social Policy? The Electoral Consequences of Welfare State Retrenchment and Social Policy Performance in OECD Countries. London, New York: Routledge.
Grosse, A., & Appleton, A. (2009). “Big Social Science” in Comparative Politics. In The Comparative Study of Electoral Systems. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Gschwend, T. (2009). District Magnitude and the Comparative Study of Strategic Voting. In H.-D. Klingemann (Ed.), The Comparative Study of Electoral Systems. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Haerpfer, C., Bernhagen, P., Welzel, C., & Inglehart, R. F. (2018). Democratization: Oxford University Press.
Hale, H. E. (2005). Why Not Parties in Russia? Democracy, Federalism, and the State. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
Harkness, J. A., et. al (Ed.) (2010). Survey methods in multinational, multiregional, and multicultural contexts. Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley.
Hausstein, B., & Brislinger, E. (1998). Data and Information Transfer Between Eastern and Western Europe. In R. Walker & M. F. Taylor (Eds.), Information Dissemination and Access in Russia and Eastern Europe: Problems and Solutions in East and West (pp. 77-87). Netherlands: IOS Press.
Hellwig, T. (2016). The Supply Side of Electoral Politics: How Globalization Matters for Party Strategies. In J. Vowles & G. Xezonakis (Eds.), Globalization and Domestic Politics. Parties, Elections, and Public Opinion (pp. 31-51). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Hellwig, T., Kweon, Y., & Vowles, J. (2020). Democracy Under Siege? Parties, Voters, and Elections After the Great Recession. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Holmberg, S. (2009). Candidate Recognition in Different Electoral Systems. In H.-D. Klingemann (Ed.), The Comparative Study of Electoral Systems. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Holmberg, S., & Oscarsson, H. (2011). Party Leader Effects on Vote. In K. Aarts, A. Blais, & H. Schmitt (Eds.), Political Leaders and Democratic Elections (pp. 256). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Howell, D. (2010). Enhancing Quality and Comparability in the Comparative Study of Electoral Systems (CSES). In J. A. Harkness, M. Braun, B. Edwards, T. P. Johnson, L. E. Lyberg, P. P. Mohler, B.-E. Pennell, & T. Smith (Eds.), Survey Methods in Multicultural, Multinational, and Multiregional Contexts (pp. 525-534): Wiley.
Howell, D. A., & Long Jusko, K. (2009). Methodological Challenges: Research Opportunities and Questions for the Future. In H.-D. Klingemann (Ed.), The Comparative Study of Electoral Systems. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Jackson, R. J., & Jackson, D. (Eds.). (1996). Comparative Government: An Introduction to Political Science. Toronto, Ontario: Prentice Hall.
Karp, J. A. (2016). Globalization and Voter Turnout in Times of Crisis. In J. Vowles & G. Xezonakis (Eds.), Globalization and Domestic Politics. Parties, Elections, and Public Opinion (pp. 190-207). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Kayser, M. A. (2014). The Elusive Economic Vote. In L. LeDuc, R. G. Niemi, & P. Norris (Eds.), Comparing Democracies (pp. 112-132). London: Sage.
Kayser, M. A., & Peress, M. (2016). The Buck Stops over There? Benchmarking Elections in the Open Economy. In J. Vowles & G. Xezonakis (Eds.), Globalization and Domestic Politics. Parties, Elections, and Public Opinion (pp. 89-111). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Kedar, O. (2009). Voting for Policy, Not Parties: How Voters Compensate for Power Sharing. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Kernell, G. (2013). Political Party Organizations, Civic Representation, and Participation. In J. H. Nagel & R. M. Smith (Eds.), Representation: Elections and Beyond (pp. 114-136). Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.
Kittilson, M. C. (2019). Gender and Electoral Behavior. In S. Franceschet, M. L. Krook, & N. Tan (Eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Women’s Political Rights (pp. 21-32): Palgrave Macmillan UK.
Klein, M., & Pötschke, M. (2000). Wahlen im sozialen Kontext: Mehrebenenanalyse des Wählerverhaltens bei den Bundestagswahlen der Jahre 1969 bis 1998. In M. Klein, W. Jagodzinski, E. Mochmann, & D. Ohr (Eds.), 50 Jahre Empirische Wahlforschung in Deutschland (pp. 182-211). Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag.
Klingemann, H.-D. (Ed.) (2009). The Comparative Study of Electoral Systems. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Klingemann, H.-D. (2009). The Impact of Political Institutions: A Contribution of the “Comparative Study of Electoral Systems” (CSES) to Micro-Macro Theories of Political Attitude Formation and Voting Behavior. In H.-D. Klingemann (Ed.), The Comparative Study of Electoral Systems (pp. 3-27). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Klingemann, H.-D., & Weßels, B. (2009). How Voters Cope with the Complexity of their Political Environment: Differentiation of Political Supply, Effectiveness of Political Institutions, and the Calculus of Voting. In H.-D. Klingemann (Ed.), The Comparative Study of Electoral Systems (pp. 237-265). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Klingemann, H.-D., & Wessels, B. (2001). Political Consequences of Germany’s Mixed-Member System: Personalization at the Grass-Roots? In M. S. Shugart & M. P. Wattenberg (Eds.), Mixed Member Electoral Systems. The Best of Both Worlds? (pp. 279-296). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Kroh, M. (2009). The Ease of Ideological Voting: Voter Sophistication and Party System Complexity. In H.-D. Klingemann (Ed.), The Comparative Study of Electoral Systems (pp. 220-236). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Landman, T., & Robinson, N. (Eds.). (2009). The SAGE Handbook of Comparative Politics. London: Sage.
Lehmann, P., Regel, S., & Schlote, S. (2018). Inequality in Political Representation: Is the Lower Social Stratum Worse Represented? In W. Merkel & S. Kneip (Eds.), Democracy and Crisis (pp. 125-143): Springer.
Listhaug, O., Aardal, B., & Ellis, I. O. (2009). Institutional Variation and Political Support: An Analysis of CSES Data from 29 Countries. In H.-D. Klingemann (Ed.), The Comparative Study of Electoral Systems (pp. 311-332). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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Maravall, J. M., & Sanchez-Cuenca, I. (Eds.). (2008). Controlling Governments: Voters, Institutions, and Accountability. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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Nishizawa, Y. (2009). Economic Voting: Do Institutions Affect the Way Voters Evaluate Incumbents? In H.-D. Klingemann (Ed.), The Comparative Study of Electoral Systems (pp. 193-219). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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