Conference and Planning Committee Meeting, April 2004
April 1-3, 2004
Mexico City, Mexico
We are very grateful to the Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas (CIDE) for sponsoring and organizing both the conference and the Planning Committee meeting.
Presentations to the Academic Community of Mexico City
CIDE, Mexico City, Mexico
Thursday, April 1, 2004
12:30 to 14:00 The CSES Project
Chair: Rolando Ocampo
- CSES’ Potential Contribution to Comparative Research, Ian McAllister
- The CSES in Mexico, Ulises Beltrán
- CSES’ Contribution to Electoral Studies
- Meaningful Choices: CSES Third Module, Hermann Schmitt, Bernhard Weßels
- Open discussion with participants
17:00 to 20:00 Governability Under Different Electoral Systems
Chair: Ulises Beltrán
- Theoretical Dimensions of the Problem, Josep M. Colomer, CIDE
- The Comparative Dimension, André Blais
- Mexico: The Needed Reform, María Amparo Casar, Chief Advisor to the Secretary of the Interior
- The New Zealand Experience: from Uninominal to Proportional Representation, Jack Vowles
- The Japanese Experience: from Proportional Representation to Uninominal, Ken’ichi Ikeda
- Presidentialism in Latin America, Gabriel Negretto, CIDE
- India: Divided Government in the Largest Democracy, Sandeep Shastri
- Europe with Accent in Germany, Hermann Schmitt, Bernhard Weßels
CSES Module 3 Planning Committee Meeting
CIDE, Mexico City, Mexico
Friday, April 2, 2004
09:30 to 11:30 CSES Business Meeting
Chair: Ian McAllister
- Welcome
- Status of Module 2 data collection, including recruitment activities
- Should Module 2 run through 2005, or 2006?
- Scheduling the next Advance Release of Module 2
- How to handle data deposits received after the Full Release of a module
- How to handle data deposits that do not meet CSES standards
12:00 to 14:00 CSES Business Meeting
Chair: Hermann Schmitt
- Continuity – which questions stay on and why?
15:30 to 18:30 CSES Business Meeting
Chair: Ian McAllister; presentation by Hermann Schmitt and Bernhard Weßels
- Module 3 – general ideas and implications for new Module 3 questionnaire
Saturday, April 3, 2004
09:30 to 11:30 CSES Business Meeting
Chair: Bernhard Weßels
- Proposals for new Module 3 question wording
12:00 to 14:00 CSES Business Meeting
Chair: Ian McAllister
- Proposal plans for Secretariat funding beyond July 31, 2005
- Supplemental funding sources for Planning Committee and Plenary travel
- Planning the next Plenary Session, promised within 2 years of Stockholm