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May 29, 2018
Dear CSES User Community,
We are very pleased to announce that the Full Release of CSES Module 4 is now available for download from the CSES website!
Seven new election studies have been added to the file, bringing the final count of election studies included in Module 4 to forty-five in total. The studies added as of the Full Release are: Argentina (2015), Canada (2015), Greece (2015), Latvia (2011), Latvia (2014), Peru (2016), and Romania (2014).
A non-comprehensive list of changes made to previously released Module 4 files can be found on the Errata page for CSES Module 4. This includes a number of improvements to the data and documentation, with examples being: new variables to allow for data bridging with other macro datasets, and a new codebook appendix containing detailed information about the design and weights for each included election study. The Errata page for CSES Module 4 can be found by selecting the Data Center on the CSES website, navigating to the CSES Module 4 link, and then selecting the Errata link in the grey box to the right of the Module 4 download page.
Please e-mail us at [email protected] with any questions you might have, and we would be pleased to help.
Thank you for your support of the CSES project!