Note: The following announcement was sent to the CSES email list. To receive notices like this one by email, please send an email to [email protected] and let us know you would like to join.
December 14, 2017
Dear Comparative Study of Electoral Systems (CSES) community,
The CSES Module 5 Planning Committee is nearing the end of its work, and a new CSES Module 6 Planning Committee will take its place beginning late next year.
According to CSES guidelines, the CSES Planning Committee membership turns over approximately 50% from one module to the next. A Nominating Committee has been established to consider the composition of the new Committee. The CSES Module 6 Nominating Committee consists of John Aldrich (Duke University, chair), Yun-han Chu (Academia Sinica and National Taiwan University), and Sara Hobolt (The London School of Economics and Political Science).
We are writing in order to ask for you to nominate potential members of the new CSES Module 6 Planning Committee. If you wish to nominate anyone for membership on the Module 6 Planning Committee, please send the name(s) of the person(s) you are nominating and a brief description of your reason for nominating them by email to: [email protected]
The deadline for nominations is Friday, March 16, 2018.
The composition of the new Module 6 Planning Committee will be brought to the CSES collaborators for confirmation at a CSES Plenary Meeting thereafter.
Thank you in advance for your nominations!