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Note: The following announcement was sent to the CSES email list. To receive notices like this one by email, please email to [email protected] and let us know you would like to join.

November 11, 2016

Dear CSES user community,

We write on two matters:

First, the final reports of the CSES Module 5 subcommittees are now available for download or viewing on the CSES website ( under the Planning Committee link at the top of the page. There were five CSES Module 5 Subcommittees in all: Content, Core and Demographics, Political Knowledge, Macro and District Data, and New Technology and Data Collection. The Political Knowledge Subcommittee is in the process of preparing an entry for the CSES Blog to elaborate on their recommendations. If you have not yet visited or subscribed to the CSES Blog you may find it at:

Second, there is a special CSES panel being organized by David Sulmont, our collaborator from Peru, at the Latin American Political Science Association Congress in Montevideo, Uruguay in July 2017. The call for papers, in both English and Spanish, can be found at the bottom of this email. Please feel free to redistribute this call to interested colleagues.

Thank you for your support of the CSES project!


Call for Papers: CSES Panel in the IX Latin American Political Science Association Congress in Montevideo Uruguay, July 26-28, 2017

Voting Behavior in Latin America: Evidence from the Comparative Study of Electoral Systems – CSES
Organized by: David Sulmont, Social Science Department, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. CSES collaborator from Peru.

Since 1996 the CSES has been conducting post electoral surveys in more than 40 democracies around the world in order to study and compare electoral behavior across different social and institutional settings. Up to his date, five Latin American countries have been part of this project: Brazil, Chile, Mexico, Peru and Uruguay. The purpose of this panel is to present papers which analyze some of the results of the CSES project in Latin America. One of the aims of this panel is to show the potential of CSES data to analyze elections and voting behavior in Latin America from a comparative perspective. Papers must use CSES data and present a topic either in a single Latin American country, compare different countries inside the region, or compare Latin American countries with countries from other regions. CSES data is freely available at:

Abstracts must be sent to: [email protected]

Deadline: December 31, 2016.

For more information on the Congress see:


Convocatoria de Ponencias: Panel del CSES en el IX Congreso de la Asociaciín Latinoamericana de Ciencia Política en Montevideo Uruguay (26-28 de julio 2017)

Comportamiento electoral en América Latina: Evidencias desde el Estudio Comparado de Sistemas Electorales (CSES)
Organizador: David Sulmont, Departamento de Ciencias Sociales, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Colaborador del CSES en Perú.

Desde 1996 el proyecto CSES ha venido realizando encuestas post electorales en más de 40 democracias alrededor del mundo con la finalidad de comparar el comportamiento electoral a través de diferentes contextos sociales e institucionales. Hasta la fecha, cinco países Latinoamericanos han sido parte de este proyecto (Brasil, Chile, México, Perú y Uruguay). El objetivo de este panel es presentar ponencias que analicen algunos de los resultados del proyecto CSES en América Latina. Una de las finalidades del panel es mostrar el potencial de los datos del CSES para analizar las elecciones y el comportamiento del votante latinoamericano desde una perspectiva comparada. Las ponencías propuestas deberán utilizar los datos del CSES y presentar un tema ya sea en un solo país, comparar diferentes países dentro de la región, o comparar países latinoamericanos con los de otras regiones. Los datos del CSES son de libre disponibilidad en:

Los abstracts deben enviarse a: [email protected]

Fecha límite: 31 de diciembre de 2016.

Para mayor información sobre el congreso de Alacip ver: