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Note: The following announcement was sent to the CSES email list. To receive notices like this one by email, please send an email to [email protected] and let us know you would like to join.


July 29, 2016

Dear CSES User Community,

We are pleased to announce the launch of an official blog for the Comparative Study of Electoral Systems (CSES) project.

You can visit the CSES Blog (and subscribe to it) here:

The first two entries in the CSES Blog, which were posted today, are:

1. “About the CSES blog,” by Yioryos Nardis and David Howell
2. “CSES: a short history and new challenges,” by Jacques Thomassen

Through the blog, you will be able to discover new research which uses CSES data, learn about election study collaborators that are located around the world, get updates on data collection from the field, read about and discuss national elections, and receive updates about CSES and the world of comparative academic social science research more generally.

You may also be interested in our social media accounts::
– Follow us on Twitter (@csestweets):
– Like us on Facebook (@ComparativeStudyOfElectoralSystems):

Use of the CSES email list will continue to be limited to a few emails annually to disseminate key announcements on topics such as dataset releases.

Thank you for your support of the CSES project!
David Howell
Director of Studies, CSES