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January 29, 2014
Dear Comparative Study of Electoral Systems (CSES) user community,
We write with an important announcement, and two reminders which have deadlines within the next few days.
We would like to announce the final call for possible themes and questions for inclusion in CSES Module 5. Please submit your proposals and all associated materials sometime between now and the deadline of June 30, 2014. All proposals will be discussed at a public conference and plenary session of CSES collaborators to be held in Berlin, Germany later this year. For information about how to submit a proposal, and a list of recommended materials to provide, please visit the following link to the original call for proposals:
As a reminder, the deadline to nominate persons for the CSES Module 5 Planning Committee is this Friday, January 31, 2014, which is two days from now. If you wish to nominate anyone for membership on the Module 5 Planning Committee, please send the name(s) of the person(s) you are nominating and a brief description of your reasons for nominating them by email to: [email protected]
As a reminder, the GESIS – Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences is seeking a Senior Researcher to work in the CSES Secretariat as co-manager of CSES data and documentation production and CSES operations. The position is located in Mannheim, Germany. The deadline for applications is this Monday, February 3, 2014. Please forward this information to anyone who might be interested and qualified to apply. More information, including the application process, is described at the following page on the GESIS website:
Thanks, and best regards,
David Howell
Director of Studies, CSES