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CSES Announcement: invitation to reception at ECPR, and other updates

August 16, 2011

Dear CSES User Community,

We write with a number of CSES-related updates, including an invitation:

Those of you who will be attending the ECPR general conference in Iceland this month are invited to join us at 19:00 on Friday August 26 at a reception at which the inaugural GESIS Klingemann Prize for the Best CSES Scholarship will be presented. The reception is currently scheduled for room “HT 300 – Háskólatorg” but please check the program upon arrival in case the room is changed by ECPR for some reason. There will be finger foods and beverages (wine, soda, juice, water) available. A brief presentation will be made of the winning work, which is “Ideological Congruence and Electoral Institutions” by Matt Golder and Jacek Stramski. We hope to see you there!

If you have a paper which you are presenting at ECPR or APSA and makes use of CSES, please send us an email with the details (paper title; authors and affiliations; session title, day, time, and location). If we receive notification of enough papers, we will send out a combined list to the full email group.

There are a number of conferences and conference deadlines coming up. If you are presenting papers or have publications that make use of CSES, please let us know so we can add them to the CSES Bibliography on our website. If you are interested in organizing CSES-based sessions at conferences and could use assistance in organization or generating papers for them, let us know that also. Some upcoming conferences at which CSES use might be appropriate are:

– The conference “Declining Political Trust, Disenchantment with Politics, and Methods of Political Participation” will be held January 2012 in Cologne, Germany. The request for papers encourages contributions using existing comparative data bases, including a specific mention of CSES. For additional details, please contact email address [email protected]. Contributions of no more than 8,000 words should be sent as a PDF file to that email address by September 30, 2011.

– October 7, 2011 is the deadline to submit papers for next year’s meeting of the International Political Science Association (IPSA) in Madrid. Abstracts can be submitted via the IPSA website (

– The deadline has passed for the one-day workshop “Challenges of Electoral Integrity” which will be held July 7, 2012 in Madrid, just before IPSA. But we have received a request from the session organizers that they would like to still receive a few more CSES-based submissions. For more information, please visit their website ( and click on the “Events” link. Submissions can be provided via the contacts listed on the website, or if you send them to us we will pass them on to the organizers, also. The workshop is sponsored by the IPSA Research Committee 23 on Elections, Citizens, and Parties, with co-sponsorship by International IDEA and CSES.

If you have any questions, or if we can be of assistance in any way, please let us know.

Best regards,
David Howell
Director of Studies, Comparative Study of Electoral Systems (CSES)