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LAST CALL FOR MODULE 4 PROPOSALS (Deadline December 31, 2009)
The Chair of the CSES Module 4 Planning Committee, Andre Blais, has appointed a new Task Force to prepare the ground for key decisions to be made about the content of Module 4 at the next Planning Committee meeting in Budapest in March of next year. The Task Force members are Jack Vowles (Chair), Ulises Beltran, Pedro Magalhaes, Sarah Hobolt, and Michal Shamir.
Five proposals are currently still under consideration, and their authors will be invited to resubmit them after Task Force members compile feedback from the Plenary meeting held in Toronto in September. However, none of these have been confirmed as accepted yet and the Task Force and Planning Committee would like more options to consider.
Those wishing to submit should send to the Task Force Chair, by December 31, text of no more than 1000 words outlining their rationale, objectives, survey instruments they would like to insert, and what new macro-data would be relevant. A longer version can be sent to supplement the shorter version, but the 1000 word version will be the key document required.
Proposers should keep in mind the objectives and nature of the CSES (most notably its ability to incorporate and interact macro-level and micro-level variables), and the constraints of the question module length, which should take up no more than 10-15 minutes of interview time. A large part of the module also consists of ‘core’ questions. Space for new questions is therefore limited, and, as a rule of thumb, the more questions proposed, the less likely the proposal will be accepted, unless it is of extremely high quality, highly innovative, and closely attuned to CSES objectives.
Please refer to the CSES website for details of the program’s objectives, and for the content of previous modules. A copy of the Task Force Report to the September Plenary Conference is also available at:
This includes an overview of the development of the CSES so far, and information about proposals already received.
Proposals should be emailed as Microsoft Word documents to Jack Vowles ([email protected]) by December 31 2009, with copies, as back-up, to David Howell, CSES Secretariat ([email protected]).