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New cooperation between GESIS and Michigan on the CSES Secretariat
March 3, 2009
The Comparative Study of Electoral Systems (CSES) is pleased to announce that the CSES Secretariat will now be operated in cooperation between the Center for Political Studies (CPS) at the University of Michigan and the German Social Science Infrastructure Services (GESIS) – Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences.
GESIS – Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences has recently posted a new full-time research associate position to be located in Mannheim, and two additional half-time positions to be located in Cologne at the GESIS data archive. Among other activities to the benefit of the CSES, these positions will prepare data and documentation, provide research and analysis support, and promote scholarly output from the project. The CSES Director of Studies will continue to be located at the University of Michigan, and the contact information for the study remains the same. All of the personnel will work in close cooperation with each other and the CSES Planning Committee and CSES Collaborators. The first task of the new cooperation will be to prepare the first advance release dataset for CSES Module 3.
Ian McAllister, Chair of the CSES Module 3 Planning Committee, says that the new arrangement with GESIS will secure the future of the project. “The CSES is already one of the largest and most innovative projects ever conducted in political science. By sharing the location between the U.S. and Germany, the new arrangement with GESIS broadens the project’s base. It will allow us to continue to develop the CSES as a resource for the whole political science community.”
The Center for Political Studies (CPS) is recognized around the world as a leading center for the quantitative study of politics. Scholars at the center investigate the interactions among institutions, political processes, and individuals — themes united by a concern for understanding democratic politics. The Center is associated with many well-known research projects — including the American National Election Studies (ANES), Comparative Study of Electoral Systems (CSES), and World Values Survey (WVS) — and is committed to the production of public goods for the benefit of science.
GESIS – Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences is an institution devoted to research and service, which, by providing information, consultation, and data, supports and facilitates social science research at every stage of the research process. As an institution that both conducts research and provides services, GESIS renders substantial nationally and internationally relevant research-based infrastructure services. GESIS stands for independence, reliability, quality, and competence in the fields of empirical social research, archiving, data, methodology, and information technology.
Funding for the activities of the CSES Secretariat in Ann Arbor is provided by the American National Science Foundation and the University of Michigan. GESIS is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research and by the governments of several German Länder.