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Note to Comparative Study of Electoral Systems (CSES) User Community
June 12, 2008


The Module 3 Planning Committee is now nearing the end of its work, and a new Module 4 Planning Committee will take its place in 2009. The current Planning Committee met in Warsaw on 26 April and outlined the next steps in the transition.

The transition affords two opportunities for you to help shape the future of CSES: by suggesting potential members for the new Module 4 Planning Committee, and by suggesting possible substantive themes for Module 4.

New Module 4 Planning Committee

The CSES rules specify a 50 percent turnover of members on the Planning Committee from one module to the next, and that a Nominating Committee be established to consider the composition of the new Committee. A Nominating Committee has been established consisting of Hans-Dieter Klingemann (Social Science Research Center, Berlin), Jacques Thomassen (University of Twente, Netherlands), and myself.

One purpose of this note is to ask you, as a member of the CSES user community, if you wish to nominate anyone for membership on the Module 4 Planning Committee. Please send nominations to me at: [email protected]

The composition of the new Module 4 Planning Committee will be brought to a CSES Plenary Meeting in 2009. Planning for that meeting is underway, although no date and venue have been decided.

New Module 4 Substantive Theme

In order to begin the process of identifying a topic for Module 4, a Task Force has been established, co-ordinated by Jack Vowles (Exeter University, UK), with support from Andre Blais (University of Montreal, Canada), Kees Aarts (University of Twente, Netherlands) and Gabor Toka (Central European University, Budapest).

The Task Force will identify gaps in the research that Module 4 might address, and canvass possible substantive themes for the new module. The second purpose of this note is to ask you, as a member of the CSES user community, to suggest possible themes that the Task Force should investigate. Please direct suggestions and comments for Module 4 to Jack Vowles at: [email protected]

The Task Force will prepare a report about the ideas suggested and present the report at the CSES Plenary Meeting in 2009 for feedback and discussion.

Thank you in advance for your assistance in these endeavours, and for your ongoing support of the CSES project.

Ian McAllister
Chair, Module 3 Planning Committee
The Australian National University