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Note: The following announcement was sent to the CSES email list. To receive notices like this one by email, please join the CSES email list using our convenient web form. Or, send an email to [email protected] and let us know you would like to join.

June 26, 2006

Dear CSES user community,

We write with two announcements of interest to you:

1. The CSES Module 3 questionnaire is now available. To view or download the file, visit the CSES website and click on the “Collaborators” link to the left of the page.

The availability of Module 3 means that data collection for Module 2 is now complete. Future data collections should make use of the new Module 3 questionnaire except by prior agreement with the Secretariat.

To be included in the final CSES Module 2 dataset, collaborators must deposit their data and all related materials with the Secretariat on or before the end of this year. The deadline is December 31, 2006. We must also receive all necessary documentation (questionnaires, Macro Reports, and Design Reports) by that date.

2. If you will be attending the 20th IPSA World Congress in Fukuoka, Japan, we are pleased to report that CSES will be featured in these two panels from the Japanese Political Science Association (JPSA) Session:

  • New Directions of Electoral Studies: Electoral Behavior and Political Attitudes with ANES & CSES Data (Monday July 10, 2006)
  • Political Behavior within Institutions: Comparative Perspectives Using Comparative Study of Electoral Systems Data (Wednesday July 12, 2006)

We have provided additional details about these panels below my signature in this email. When you arrive in Japan, please review the final conference program to verify the dates, times, and locations, as they are subject to change.

Best personal regards,
David Howell
Director of Studies
Comparative Study of Electoral Systems (CSES)


JS01.582: New Directions of Electoral Studies: Electoral Behavior and Political Attitudes with ANES & CSES Data

Monday, July 10, 2006 – 09:00 to 13:00 – (SP-4F Room 3) Sun Palace – Room 3

Convenor: Yamada, Masahiro – Kwansei Gakuin University, Japan
Chair: Yamada, Masahiro – Kwansei Gakuin University, Japan
Discussant: Nishizawa, Yoshitaka – Doshisha University, Japan


Remaking the American National Election Studies, 2006-2009
Lupia, Arthur – University of Michigan, United States of America
Krosnick, Jon A. – Stanford University, United States of America

The Comparative Study of Electoral Systems Project: An Overview
McAllister, Ian – The Australian National University, Australia
Howell, David – University of Michigan, United States of America


JS01.314: Political Behavior within Institutions: Comparative Perspectives Using Comparative Study of Electoral Systems Data

Wednesday July 12, 2006 – 15:00 to 19:00 – (202) Multipurpose Hall – Quarter Floor Area

Convenor: Ikeda, Ken’ichi – University of Tokyo, Japan
Chair: Ikeda, Ken’ichi – University of Tokyo, Japan
Discussant: Yamada, Masahiro – Kwansei Gakuin University, Japan


Consolidating Democracy: A Comparison of the 2001 and 2005 Parliamentary Elections in Thailand
Albritton, Robert – University of Mississippi, United States of America
Bureekul, Thawilwadee – King Prajadhipat’s Institute, Thailand

Electoral Institutions and Satisfaction with Democracy
Thomassen, Jacques – University of Twente, The Netherlands
Aarts, Kees – University of Twente, The Netherlands

Political Parties and Democratic Consolidation in Postcommunist Societies
McAllister, Ian – The Australian National University, Australia
White, Stephen – University of Glasgow, United Kingdom

Political Support for Democracy and Satisfaction with Democracy in European Political Systems
Haerpfer, Christian – University of Aberdeen, United Kingdom