Here is the CMT Uptime check phrase

27, 2006): The files mentioned below are no longer available for download. If you have questions about or require these files, please contact the CSES Secretariat.

To: Members of the CSES Research Community
From: David Howell, on behalf of the CSES Secretariat
Re: Release of the CSES Interim Special Release
Date: March 18, 2002

Colleagues –

We are very pleased to provide to you a special interim version of the CSES Module 1 (1996-2001) data. While we are still working on the next “official” release of the data, we felt the amount of improvements made and data/countries added thus far were significant enough to merit a special interim release.

The Module 1 (1996-2001) Special Interim Release can be downloaded from the bottom of this page. It is not available from elsewhere on the web page as it is not a usual release of the data. The special interim release is in ZIP format and will need to be decompressed. Once decompressed, the following files should be present:

  • “CSMM0102_v2 Release.sav” is the data, in SPSS system file format.
  • “CSMM0102.cbk” is the special interim release codebook, in text format.
  • “CSMM0102 Cross Reference Table.pdf”, is a cross reference table, in Adobe PDF format.
  • “CSMM0101 Errata.pdf” lists changes made since the last full release (CSMM0101), in Adobe PDF format.

To avoid delays in preparing the next release, data for this version is provided only in SPSS format. Other files and formats (ASCII, SAS) are not available, though they will appear again when the next release is made available. Should you require alternate file formats, please create them from the SPSS file provided; we apologize in advance for any inconvenience this may cause.

If you have any questions concerning this special interim release, please send them via electronic mail to [email protected]; we are happy to provide assistance. When contacting us, be sure to state that you are using dataset “CSMM0102”.

Download the CSES Module 1 Special Interim Release (CSMM0102). You will be prompted to select a location for saving the file. After the download is complete, go to the location you chose and decompress the file (CSMM0102.ZIP) using your favorite ZIP/unZIP software.

Sincerely yours,
The CSES Staff