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CSES Module 1 Data Set Errata
Posted: July 19, 2005

Belgium-Flanders (1999) – Election Study Note For Variables A3004-A3006 and A3009

We recommend that users include the below election study note in their codebook for variables A3004, A3005_1, A3005_2, A3005_3, A3006, and A3009:

         | ELECTION STUDY NOTES - BELGIUM-FLANDERS (1999): A3004-A3006, A3009
         | CSES variables A3004-A3006 and A3009 were constructed from these
         | questions in the Belgium-Flanders (1999) study:
         | R55_1
         | q55.1
         | Which political party do you prefer most?
         | R55_2
         | q55.2
         | Which political party do you prefer the second most?
         | Analysts should consider in their analyses that this question wording 
         | is different from that in the CSES Module 1 questionnaire.